Marvellous March

Red Nose Day

Thank you for all the donations this Red Nose Day. We participated in Bluey’s keepy up for Red Nose Day challenge. We tried to keep our red noses up in the air for as long as possible!

Sign Language 

Primary 1 and Primary 5 have been exploring sign language so ahead of British Sign Language week, we teamed up to learn how to sign ‘my name is…’

Here are some photos and videos below.

Van Gogh

We are continuing to explore the work of Van Gogh and have been using line and shape to create our own sunflowers. They are not quite finished yet as we are going to be experimenting with oil pastels to add colour but look how fantastic they are so far!

Fair trade Fortnight

We had an excellent time visiting the Coop to learn about the importance of Fairtrade. We learned that fair trade means that farmers are being paid a fair price for their products and we can support them by buying products with the fairtrade symbol on them. We went on a scavenger hunt in the shop to find five fairtrade products. Thank you for having us!

World Book Day

World book day was great success! We enjoyed sharing our favourite book from home with a p7 friend. Our p7 friend then helped us write a book review. In the afternoon we went on a Where’s Wally? hunt!

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