December in Primary 1

Well done Primary 1 for a fabulous first term. You should all be so proud of yourselves. It has been an absolute joy to see the progress you have made so far and I hope you have a well deserved Christmas break. Thank you parents for the support you have given us this term.

December has been busy with lots of exciting things happening. Today we had our Christmas party with a very special visit from Santa.


We worked really hard to learn songs and actions for the nativity we hope you enjoyed it.


We have been reading the story ‘Stick Man’ in class. In this story stick man is used in lots of different ways for example, he is used as a bat, a sword, a nest. We used our imagination to turn our own stick into…

We are problem solvers! We worked alongside primary 6 to build a sleigh for Santa. We had to follow a design brief and we successfully met the design criteria.

First, we made a planned our sleigh, considering what we wanted it to look like and the materials we would use. Then we built our sleigh. Finally we tested the sleigh out.


The Gingerbread Man
Some cheeky visitors came to our class and luckily it was caught on cctv! Watch the footage below

Max suggested making missing posters and we applied our learning about sentence structure and adjectives to create detailed posters. We put our posters round the school and even visited the nursery to see if they knew where the gingerbread men had gone. We made traps and used magnifying glasses to search for clues.

Unfortunately we didn’t find the Gingerbread men but they did leave us a letter.

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