October in Primary 1

In Maths, we have been learning about shape and discovered that shapes are all around us including in our school grounds.
Daisy- the bin has a circle shape.

Harris M- the bricks have a rectangle face.

Lewis- look the tyres are circle on top.

Max- I am standing on a square.

Our final lesson about animal environments focused on animals in our school ground. We went on a mini beast hunt to see what lives in our school grounds. Some of the insects we found included, spiders, ants, worms, flies, caterpillars and slugs. Unfortunately we found lots of litter in the playground which makes  animals homes messy and also can be dangerous to them. We are making sure we always put our litter in the bin. (ARTICLE 24)

In Literacy, we continue to learn new sounds and tricky words. Some of our favourite activities this month have included, spin the wheel and write the tricky word on the pumpkin, write the words in the sand and make the tricky words with play doh and cutters.
 Match the ghosts to the tricky word.

This month our buddies came to visit during digital literacy week. We worked together to make a jam board which showed what animals live in the ocean, jungle and arctic.

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