February Fun

February has been full of fun!

Primary 1 have finished a block of gymnastics in P.E. We focused on balance, jumping, travelling, different rolls and climbing.

In Maths we have been working on o’clock times using analogue and digital clocks.

Sharing equally has also been one of our focuses this term.


We have had some keen Kapla builders in the construction area, well done!

Primary 1 had a surprise visitor to the class, it was Goldilocks! We made ‘Wanted’ posters and used adjectives to describe Goldilocks’ personality and appearance. We also sequenced instructions on how to make porridge, made porridge and then wrote our own instructions.

Making a Fairy Garden at Muddy Movers!

4 weeks ago we conducted an experiment about bacteria before and after washing our hands before we start our food health unit. One child washed their hands thoroughly and another did not. The class have been so interested in checking the bread and could not believe the difference in the two pieces!

Making our Tricky Words!

Primary 1 were very lucky to have Barrhead Fire Station to visit. We learned all about different parts of their job, different uniforms and got to have a shot of the hose!

Super work Primary 1/1!

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