The End of Term 1

We had some sneaky visitors in our classroom. The class were excellent detectives and found some crumbs scattered around the classroom. They wrote some super stories about what they thought the Gingerbread people were doing in our classroom.

Primary 1 and 2 had great fun at our Christmas party. We had a special visit from Santa who brought us each a present. We are so lucky!

We hope you enjoyed our lovely snow pictures!


We worked hard to learn the days of the week in French. We used the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar – ‘La chenille qui fait des trous’ to help us with the words. The pictures from the story helped us read each day of the week name.

Last week we got a message from Santa to say his sleigh had broken down. We worked hard in groups to design, present and create our new sleighs that had to have a seat for Santa’s helper and room for presents. Well done Primary 1, your designs were great!

Primary 6 came down to read us their stories about Chicken Licken. We were excellent listeners for their fantastic stories.

Last of all, a BIG Merry Christmas from Primary 1/1!

Thank you for all of your hard work in your first ever term of school. You are all superstars. I hope you all have a magical Christmas and enjoy a well-deserved break over the holidays!

Miss Payne x

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