October in Primary 1🎃

This month, the class have been enjoying learning in different ways. We have been learning how to say ‘My name is…’ in French and we have learned about the Eiffel Tower🇫🇷. We read a story called ‘Katie and the Sunflowers,’ which explores different French paintings and artists. We created our own sunflowers using 2D shapes.

The class have enjoyed learning how to scan QR codes to access some Maths and Literacy games they are familiar with, these are also available on our Google Classroom.

We have enjoyed working on skills like co-ordination, balance and ball skills in P.E. and linking this in with some Halloween games👻.

In Maths we have been learning to order our days of the week. We read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ and used the sequencing cards to order our days.

Our class bee went on some exciting adventures and we worked hard at creating a story of where else our bee went. We used an iPad app called Chatterpix to act as the bee in the different places they visited.

We enjoyed exploring our 2D shapes by drawing these as characters and bringing them to life with an iPad app to watch them dancing around the classroom.


We had fun outside at Muddy Movers in the rain. We are using good communication and team-working skills outside. Some of us worked together to fill buckets with muddy water to create a mud slide.

We also found a baby snail and took care of it by feeding it and making it a cosy home in the tree.

Patterns are so interesting. We have all still been interested in creating patterns with different resources around the classroom.

Halloween fun🎃👻

The class enjoyed their Halloween party. We dooked for apples, played party games and made banana ghosts!

The class had fun doing some Halloween science experiments🎃🧪


One thought on “October in Primary 1🎃”

  1. Great photo’s and information – love seeing what they have all been up to. I’ll definitely need to copy some ideas for doing at home!

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