September in Primary 1/1🍂


Bring tricky word tubs on a Friday💡.


Muddy Movers

We have been loving exploring outside at Muddy Movers, experimenting with the different toys and equipment and using our team work and communication skills. We are great risk-assessors and know how to keep each other safe when jumping from the crates and using other equipment.

Maths and Technology

We have been learning all about patterns in Maths using shapes, colours, natural resources, letters and numbers. We read the story of Elmer the patchwork elephant and made our own Elmer patterns. In Technology we learned about different materials and used some of these to create a bigger Elmer patchwork. We have enjoyed spotting patterns in our environment.

We have been doing excellent number work creating number lines and making numbers within 10 in different ways.


We have learned 12 sounds in total. The class are enjoying doing the songs and actions and using the Promethean Board in class to write the sounds we have learned.

We are enjoying learning our tricky words and trying to spot them in stories we read. The class like to share their likes and dislikes about stories to give their thoughts.

In the construction area, the class have worked well with different materials to make models and use their imagination to build.

The class worked hard to create our class rules and picked some of the UNCRC Rights that we have focused on in our class charter.

I am excited to see what October brings for us🎃👏🏼
Miss Payne☺️

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