All posts by Miss Galloway

A Day In Primary 1/2

As we can’t invite our special adults to see what we learn and how we learn in class. Primary 1/2 have created an interactive video of their classroom, to share what a typical day in school looks like and sounds like. The short video has hotspot (stars) that appear throughout the clip. Please click on the stars to see photos, videos and some information.
Learning in Primary 1 is a balance of child led and adult led learning and exploring.
We hope you enjoy the video.
Thanks Miss Galloway

🧮Numeracy and Mathematics 🧮

Over the last few weeks we have explored pattern, numbers to 20 and Identifying 2D Shapes.

We have been very busy.

Some of our targets are called Funky Fingers, this helps us work on our fine motor skills. Building up the muscles 💪 to be excellent writers. Keep posted for some more Fun Funky Fingers tasks.

📖Tricky Words📖

On a Friday we learn our  Trick Words. This involves working on our sight vocabulary and trying to remember the words as we can’t blend the sounds. This is why they are tricky words!  So far we have covered the words I, the, he, she, me, we, be, was, are and all. Next Friday we will learn to and do.
We try to learn the words by making them, saying them and writing them.

Please remember to bring in your tricky words tub on a Friday so we can put in your new words.


💻Google Classroom💻

Hi Primary One,

The attachment  below is a short video to help you find your Google Classrooms.  The children in Primary One will have two Google Classes.  One will be used in class and to help support homework in the day to day running of classwork. The second Google Class is only to be used if you are off school related to COVID-19 .

There will be lessons posted daily for Literacy, Numeracy and Health.


Miss Galloway

🌈August in Primary One🌈

During our taster days we explored the technique of bubble printing to make a beautiful class rainbow. We have also been working on our fine motor skills to control lines. Just have a look at these amazing 😉 rainbows.

During literacy targets we have been learning the sound and formation of the letters (s) and (a).  We practised identifying some Tricky Words by scanning stories, building the words and playing memory games.

In mathematics we have explored pattern through the story Elmer. We had lots of fun making and continuing patterns.
On Friday we had our first experience of Primary 1/2’s Google Classroom.  Next week we will get a letter explaining how to access this classroom at home.

The children have had a wonderful start to Primary 1 and we are all very proud of them.

Miss Galloway ⭐️⭐️⭐️🌈🌈


Busy in Primary 1

Over the last few weeks we have explored our classroom and discovered lots of new games to play.
We have worked really hard on some black line ✍️ drawings and counting numbers up to 20.