All posts by Mrs McArthur


Today in groups we constructed a track for the Bee-Bot to be programmed to go through. We used a mixture of Kapla and Jenga. Once  we completed our tracks another group tried to direct Bee-Bot round the track! Here are our tracks!!

Children In Need!

We all enjoyed wearing either pyjamas or our own clothes to support the charity Children In Need!! We took part in some challenges in the gym hall and we had the chance to buy toys at the  toy sale. Thank you for all the donations!!


Maths in Motion!

Last week was National Maths week. We were not in school so we decided to take part in it this week. The theme was Maths in Motion. We discussed a lot about how maths is used in the real world. We then decided to create a ski slope and design our own vehicle to go down the ski slope. We had to think about the motion and movement of a skier and the best way to build it. We worked with a partner to design and create a vehicle to come down the ski slope and take into considertaion the best speed and length. We tested them and then re-designed them to get them the best they could be. Here are our designs!

Tennis at the Foundry!

Primary 4 had a great time at The Foundry. We had the opportunity to take part in some fab games and activities based around the game of Tennis. Barrhead High School pupild helped us to do all of the activities!


Open Afternoon!

The class loved having adults in to help at Open Afternoon. We created great skeleton pictures using cotton buds an created a working model of the lungs. This was related to our IDL based on the Human Body!


Welcome to Primary 4!

We have settled into our new class in Primary 4. We have been working hard on lots of new things. We are not allowed to show our face yet on the blog so here are the start of our walls. We hope we will fill them soon.