All posts by Mrs McArthur

Norwood Care Home Visit!

As part of our community topic we decided to visit Norwood House to visit the residents.  We all drew a picture for them and we read our favourite books. Ellen the co-ordinator said we made their day. Great ending to P4!!!


We have been using K’Nex this term and following the instructions to build lots of different structures. Here are our team efforts.


STEM Material Challenge!

We have been learning about Materials and their properties. We have discussed how particular properties effect the choices made for choosing materials for certain jobs and activities.

We then  took part in a STEM challenge. Firstly in groups we created a boat using paper. The boat had to both ‘float’ and take a ‘load’ on board. We decided to then make the boats stronger and more waterproof by using tin foil. We then floated our boats and placed marbles on board to create a load. We counted the marbles  to assess which design was the best. It was great fun and the winning groups boat reached over 100 marbles before it sunk!!

School Trip!

We had a brilliant time on our school trip. The Glasgow Tour Bus picked us up at the school and we travelled on the motorway to George Square. Maureen our guide shared information on lots of key landmarks and buildings in Glasgow. We had the opportunity to visit the Transport Museum before travelling back to school.  We loved it!







For the last 6 weeks Primary 4 have been going swimming at The Barrhead Foundry. We have had a great time completing many different activities related to water safety and swimming.  The coaches were great and supported us well. We all received a well deserved Swimming Confidence certificate!

Scribble Bots!

In Science we have been looking at electricity. We have created working circuits using bulbs, motors and buzzers. P6 came to work with us and they helped is to make a Scribble Bot. It was great fun!


Group Art Work!

We spilt into groups and completed a piece of art work as a team. One group created a Viking Man, one group a Viking Woman and the last group a Chinese Dragon head. We used paint and collage materials. We think they look great!


We have been developing our ability to code in ICT. We have been using Scratch where we have created stories, games and music. We have also used the microbits to display our names and an emotion emoji!