All posts by Mrs Powell

Solo Talks

We have started our solo talks in P3/2.

These have been fantastic with everyone sharing hobbies, interests and knowledge with the class.  We have loved listening to you all!

So far …

Favourite football player.

Lego building.



The planet Saturn.

We can’t wait to hear some more!

The Romans in 3/2

We are really enjoying learning about The Romans.  Our highlights so far have been learning about the Roman army and the mosaics which the rich Romans loved!  We created our own Roman armour and mosaic tiles using clay and hamma beads.










Well done Primary 3/2!

Chinese New Year 2023 Competition 🐇🐰

We have a WINNER from p3/2!!

Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools

Drumroll please…We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 #ChineseNewYear poster competition! This year we received nearly ✨600✨ entries from schools across Scotland, and it was very difficult to narrow it down to 🎉8 winners🎉 in two categories: P3-P6 and P7.👇

The winner from the P3-P6 Category was a pupil from our class!🥇

Huge Congratulations! 👏🧧


January in P3/2

We are really enjoying taking part in the RSPB wild challenge.

We are first of all trying to achieve a bronze award.  So far we have completed 2 tasks.  We surveyed our school grounds for wildlife habitats and made an action plan to create more animal homes.  We then wrote to our MSP to ask for more bins around the school as litter is a big problem for our playground wildlife.  We have so many ideas for our other challenges!



We have also entered a Chinese New Year Competition.

It is the year of the rabbit and our posters look fabulous!  Good luck everyone!



In Health and Wellbeing, we are thinking about kindness and how to treat each other in a kind and caring way.  We loved listening to ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ We then made our own little buckets.  We are all superb at filling buckets with kindness and respect 🧡💛

December in P3/2


We designed our own tartan using paint.  This finished off our topic about Scotland.  They all looked wonderful!


We continue to love using Kapla to create amazing structures and designs.


Our Winter topic has been The Snowman by Raymond Briggs.  We loved making these little snow people using salt dough.  They are all ready for the Christmas ball!


We were all fantastic! Well done everyone!


We went on a frosty walk and found lots of interesting icy patterns and shapes.

Children In Need 2022


The Primary 3/2 Children In Need Talent Show 2022

What an amazingly talented class!!

Well done Primary 3/2.  You really impressed me with all your fantastic acts.  And all for a fantastic charity 💰⭐

November 2022

We’ve had another very busy month!

Symmetrical Skeletons 🦴🦴🦴

We worked very hard to create these fantastic symmetrical skeletons.  It was hard work with lots of cutting but we persevered!

Fitness Stations 🏋️‍♀️🏃‍♀️

We have been working on whole body fitness.  This has been really tiring but we have improved our stamina levels and overall fitness.  (Article 31)






Puppet Shows!

Some of the children have created their own puppet shows.  These have been fantastic and great fun for the audience.  Well done, everyone!  (Article 31)


Writing Instructions 🥪🥪

We made cucumber sandwiches and then wrote clear instructions detailing how to make them.  They were delicious!  (Article 27)

Road Safety Week

We have been thinking about how we can make roads safe for everyone.  We were all able to tell each other the key rules for crossing the road safely.

Super Tasty Bread Making!

We have been learning about the journey of some foods.  We started with carrots.  Then moved onto milk and finally we learned about the journey of wheat.  Making bread was the highlight of the week!

Remembrance Day 11.11.22

Beautiful poppy drawings … we respectfully observed a two minute silence on Remembrance Day and created poppy drawings using pastels.  The class worked quietly and we had a thoughtful discussion about what poppies signify.

October 2022


We had a fun week thinking about symmetry and learning about data handling.  We have been going outdoors as much as we can while the weather is good!  (ARTICLE 24 and 28)





Well done to our Equality winners for August, September and October.

These children were selected as winners for observing the Rights of the Child.

They were caught working hard and paying attention in class, helping others when they are hurt and including others in games and activities.  Superstars! (ARTICLE 4)


We learned some interesting facts about the invention of the telephone and then tried to speak to our friends by using our homemade telephones!



Measuring in Metres

We went outside and did some measuring.  We found lots of things which were about 1 metre in length/height, less than 1m and more than 1m.





We’ve been working so hard this month! 😊😊😊