STEM Week ๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿ’ป

This is British Science Week. P4.1 took part in the BBC Micro:bit Playground Survey. Our first challenge was to investigate the surface temperature of different materials in our playground. We learned the difference between natural and synthetic materials and picked out examples in our playground.

We split into small groups and discussed the need to repeat the thermometer test. We wanted to make sure we got the same reading 3 times to make sure it was accurate.

We worked together to make sure the test was fair. We discussed what we should all do the same. For example, the way we hold the micro:bit to make sure we get the correct temperature reading.

Finally, we coded our micro:bit using MakeCode software so that it acted like a thermometer. We were able to do this all by ourselves, from making the code to downloading it to the micro:bit via a USB cable.