Primary 6 have been investigating chemical reactions and identifying the different signs of a reaction. The can identify reversable and irreversible reactions.
Primary 6 have been investigating chemical reactions and identifying the different signs of a reaction. The can identify reversable and irreversible reactions.
Primary 6 enjoying the sunshine while reading their favourite books.
Primary 6 took part in young leader training with our Active School coordinator Chris.
The pupils worked together to learn games and activities they could introduce and teach the younger children in the school.
The pupils showed confidence when managing their groups, explaining their games and were active contributors.
Primary 6 have been working on their gymnastic skills through partner balancing, independent skills and group work.
Primary 6 have been investigating how sound vibrations are carried through air, water and gas.
Thank you to the parent council for organising the reindeer visit.
Primary 6 have enjoyed learning about space. they measured the distance between each planet, explored the size of each planet and used papier mâché to make models of the planets.
Primary 6/2 wrote scary spooktacular stories for writing this week. They then paired up with pupils from Primary 6/1 and enjoyed reading and listened to each others stories.
Children are building bridges using KNex. They have learned that the triangle is the strongest shape and are using this to make their bridges as strong as possible. A triangle in engineering is called a truss!
Welcome to Primary 6/2’s blog. Here we will post pictures, videos and exciting events happening in our class.
We created our class charter together deciding on our rights and created a flower to add to our class flowerpot.
We designed portraits of our inner and outer self and created acrostic poems to go alongside them.