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Monday 23rd March

Hi everyone,

Until I hear from everyone in our class on the google classroom , I will post a short plan of each day on our class blog. Once I know everyone is accessing the Google Class successfully I will stop posting here.

As this is just a blog and open for everyone to see there will be limited  content.  I will put up as much as I can to help guide your day.

Monday Targets

Literacy: Let’s have a go at reading today.

Click on the attached link and read with your grown up the book ‘ The little Red Hen’. Challenge yourself to read it to your grown up. They can help you with any words you get stuck on.

Talk to a grown up about the questions in the writing frame. Have a go at answering them in your jotter if you want. This will be tricky and a big challenge so just chat about them if you prefer.

Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story. You could write a sentence to tell me why you liked it best. If you want you can type your answer in the comments box.


Let’s revise our number stories.

Let’s revise our number stories.

Today we are going to revise the story of 6. Watch the number bonds song and use your jotter to rainbow write the story of 6.

Find 6 toys to build each calculation of 6.
Can you make a subtraction calculation of 6? remember when is take away you always start with the biggest number :




practise counting to 10 in French. if you want to challenge yourself have a go at counting on further. Let a member of your family hear you and test you. Maybe you can even test them.

Follow the link to find the clips to help you.

Good Luck Primary 1.

Miss Lowson


Learning Online

Hi Everyone,

Our Google Classroom has been up and running since August, so we are ready for learning at home. Just in case anyone is having problems I sent home lots of information in your learning packs.

I also sent home a copy of the children’s  Education City login which will always have access to games to support our previous learning.

Another good option is sumdog, you don’t need a login for this just now so just search for sumdog and start playing, it will adapt to the answers given so its important the children answer these questions to allow the game to adapt to their own level. Have a go and let me know through the google classroom how you are getting on.

Here are some instructions for logging onto our Google Classroom.

If it asks for your glow email, this is your glow username followed by NOT as is written in your home learning pack. This is incorrect and will not work. For example

To access Google Classroom you have two options:

1. Go to the Glow Login website. Use your ‘gw’ login. Scroll down and select the app for Google Classroom.

2. Download the Google Classroom App on your smartphone/ tablet/ iPad. Use our class login code or your ‘gw’ email to access our classroom.

3. you should now just be able to click to open the classroom Primary 1/1 2019 but if it asks you to join just click accept or join and you will be able to get into the feed.

I cannot post the class code on here for security reasons. Please share with families in our class to help us work together.

The boys and girls have all logged onto Glow in class and have successfully used Google Classroom in school so hopefully this is easy to access at home.

Good luck everyone, I hope you enjoy this new way of learning, its going to be an adventure for us all but we will try hard and be successful I’m sure of it!

Miss Lowson

Muddy Movers

The weather has finally given us enough of a break to get out in the garden for some muddy moving!

It was great fun jumping in the puddles and digging for treasure.

There was a lot of ‘real’ treasure to be found buried in the garden, and even better imaginative stories to go with it.

It was easier to roll the tyres than carry them, they were very heavy.

Washing the treasure in the clean rain water.

Finding creatures in the playground is always great fun!

The children worked together to build a castle. Super team work and communication here.

It was hard work so some needed a quick rest!


People who help us

When learning about the people in our community who can help us Primary 1 were very lucky to have visitors from a variety of jobs.

They learnt lots about possible jobs for when they grow up and how they help others in the community.


Mr Williams talked to us about the importance of recycling on our environment and how to keep our planet healthy.

We then went to clean up our playground and sort the rubbish.
We used a Pictogram and a Carroll Diagram to sort the rubbish into groups.


We had a visit from PC McFarlane who explained all the amazing things that the police do for our community. It was particularly exciting to hear about the canine unit and the mounted police.

We even got to try on the uniform, and try out the hand cuffs and baton !




Yesterday we had a visit from the local vet Shona and her lovely dog Coo.

We learnt a lot about the different aspects of being a vet and the animals you get to care for. We also learnt that it takes 5 years at university to become a vet, but it’s worth all the hard work as it’s a great job!







We looked at models of different parts of a dogs body and got to use the instruments to listen to Koo’s heart.

Her favourite toy was the ball, she kept asking for it to be thrown!

Thank you very much for coming to visit us!

November in a nutshell

It has been a busy few weeks in Primary 1. This is some of what we have been up to.

Using the the new white board to practise our sounds and writing new words. It’s a big improvement from the old board and we are loving it!

We have been learning about capital letters and letter names.

Working really hard to learn our core reading book words.


We have also been learning all about our 5 senses, we made a hand using different textures and materials.

Super Hero Party

A few pictures from our super hero party. There were many more activities going on but we were all having so much fun we forgot to document them.

We visited our buddies to show them our costumes and got to tell them all about our favourite super hero.

We had a super hero parade.

We also got to taste some healthy snacks that would be important for a super hero, design our own cuffs and masks as well as explore different materials that would make a good super hero costume.

Muddy Movers

We have been developing our gross motor skills, working together with our friends and exploring maths in real life contexts, all while playing outside in the school garden!








Some children found insects in the grass where they were building a slide so decided to relocate them to a safer place.