Thursday 26th March

Happy Thursday Primary 1.

I hope you have all had a nice week so far. I have really enjoyed seeing your pictures of work and things you are doing at home so thank you very much for sharing them!

There are a few new tasks today for you to complete, remember that this is similar to our in school classroom and you can choose when and how you complete them. Just do what works for your family.
If you have been learning about something different at home do let us know. Evie your Nessie poster was a fantastic idea!

This was me out with Fergus yesterday for a little fresh air, its really important to get outside for a little while as long as we are safe.

Have a lovely day everyone


Using your numeracy booklets complete the next page.

It’s important to practise our mental maths so have a go at the hit the button game to revise your number stories.

Revise the story of 7 today. You can choose how you practise, but get someone in your house to test your knowledge.
remember there are 8 calculations in the story of 7 that all add together to make 7. Can you find all the partners?
5+2=7 2+5=7

 Using the game hit the button can help to develop your recall of number bonds and doubles.  Can you challenge someone in your house to play with you?

Number lines – To help when completing numeracy tasks at home it might be useful to make your own number line or number flash cards.

-Use something to help draw a straight line in your jotter and add numbers to 20 across it, just like a ruler.

-Cut up a piece of paper into 20 pieces and give each piece a number. can you add the correct number of pictures to go with the number? On your number 10 card you can add 10 stars.

-If you have a printer you can print out these ones rather than make your own.

number lines


 Learning Intention:
To describe a character

So today I would like you to choose a book from home to read with a grown up or sibling. How many of the words can you read yourself or with a little help from an adult?

We have been thinking about the characters of our reading books. Talk to someone in your house about the main character in your story. Do you like them? Are they kind?

Have a go at writing a sentence or 2 to describe your character. Tell me what they look like, what they are doing and how they behave. You can even use the voice notes in the google doc to record your sentence if you can access it.

If you want to be really creative you can make a 3D model using recycling in your house. If you want to share your art work then take a picture and add it to our google classroom.
Log into your epic books account again and you will see a new book all about the moon. Read this with a grown up and then share a fact you have found out with someone else in your house.

You could add it to the google slides if you want to share it with your classmates.

Have a look out if your window tonight and see if you can spot the moon in the sky, can you see a face on the moon?
Have fun!

I really love this song!

Zoom Zoom Zoom We’re Going to The Moon Song
Miss Lowson

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