Wednesday 1st April 2020

Task 1
Key Comprehension – Unit 17 – The Rabbit
Read the story twice to make sure you don’t forget any important information.
Write out the answers to the five questions in full sentences in your literacy jotter.

Task 2
Active spelling – use the spelling grid provided in Home Learning Pack to choose a spelling activity – complete your chosen activity with all 10 words, this can be done in orange jotter.

Task 3
Read a book of your choice aloud with an adult.
Draw a picture of your favourite part and write a few sentences to describe your favourite part and why.

Learning- Google Classroom

Happy Monday Primary 2/2, I hope you are all well!

Thank you for all your hard work last week.  It seems that most of you have now been able to access Google Classroom so we will now just be posting all learning activities there.

If you have any problems accessing Google Classroom or need any assistance please contact the school office and they will forward information onto myself and Mrs Kane.

Thank you,

Mrs Burnett 🙂


Friday 27th March 2020

It is Friday! Well done on your first week of online learning Primary 2! It has been so lovely to see your work and hear from you all.

Task 1 – Maths Quiz
Boys and girls here is a little quiz to test you on how wel you are doing in maths!
Write out numbers 1-10 in your jotter. Read the quetions or ask your adult to read them out loud and you can write down the answer.
Get an adult to check your answers or post a picture on here and i will correct them. I will put the answers on a little later on when everyone has completed their task.

  1. The number before 17
  2. 24 + 4 =
  3. double 6 =
  4. 3, 5, 7, ___
  5. 3 + ____ = 11
  6. 2 +2 +2 =
  7. double 8 =
  8. The number after 27 =
  9. What is 2p + 5p =
  10. 5, 10, 15, ___

Task 2 – Topmarks – Hit the button.

Boys and girls you have all played this before and all enjoy it. Remember to stick to number bonds (the green one) and work your way from the beginning to try to challenge yourself,  good luck!

Task 3
Cylinders and spheres – Maths Workbook Page 2
pyramids – Maths Booklet Home Activity 5

Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning boys and girls

Happy Thursday. Hope you are all enjoying learning from home. I have been so impressed with your online learning and loved seeing your work pop up on Google Classoom! Keep it up!

Todays we have a few literacy and numeracy tasks to work through when you can and in any order you like!

My children spent there day yesterday creating rainbows for our window at home. Have you made any amazing art or crafts creations? I would love to see them or hear about them.


Task 1

I would like you to write a letter to a family member that you have not seen this week. Explain why you are missing them and tell them at least 1 thing that you have enjoyed doing this week.

Remember to write your address at the top right hand corner of the paper and date your letter. If you’re able to then send it in the post or take a photo and email it to them. If not keep it safe to give to them the next time you see them.

Task 2

Practise your spelling.

Use the spelling grid to choose a spelling activity. Try to pick a different spelling activity from yesterday.

Task 3

Read a book or magazine of your choice to an adult for 10-15 minutes, post online three things about your chosen book, e.g. Character’s name, the author, the title.




Task 1
Mental Maths – Boys and girls please complete Thursdays mental maths.

Task 2
Write numbers 0-9 on small, individual pieces of paper.  Adults ask child to make the number 1 more than or 1 less than with their numbers.  For example:
Adult: show me 1 more than 59
Child: should lay out six and zero cards to show 60

Task 3
Education City
> Numeracy > Early *** > Activities > Snow Hope > Play
*There is also an activity sheet for this game if you would like to print it off to complete.

Have a great day! Mrs Kane



Wednesday 25th March

Good morning! How is everyone today?

Hopefully you have been enjoying the tasks so far and have been managing to complete them on your own or with little help from a grown up.

Please remember just do what you can, it’s important to spend time with your family, play and exercise.

Today’s tasks are in the classwork folder on Google Classroom. If you have any questions or problems accessing them comment on the Classroom to let me know.

If you would like to join Joe Wicks PE session at 9am follow the link below.

The Science Centre are streaming live classes and experiments every day at 10am to join in follow the link.


Select a spelling activity from the grid in your green folder. If you can’t find it, I have attached a picture of the grid below.
If you like, you can post a picture of your spell words on the class stream.

reading comprehension-

Please read the passage aloud to a grown up.
Read over the questions then read the passage again.

Use your literacy jotter, put the big date on the top line and then the title of the passage, Stanley.

Put the question number on the left hand side and answer each question, writing in full sentences. You do not have to copy down the question.

Remember to use a capital letter and full stop. Read over each answer to check it makes sense.


Please complete Wednesday Mental Maths in your numeracy jotter.  (See picture on Monday’s blog post)

Your instructions are to identify which numbers are odd and circle them. If it is a three digit number, you look at the last digit to work out if the number is odd or even. All numbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are odd.

For example- 215 the last digit is 5, which is an odd number, so 215 is odd.
276 the last digit is 6, 6 is even so 276 is an even number.

Odd and Even-

Please have a go at playing odd or even on the TopMarks website. The link is below.

Pyramids please complete home activity sheet 9. I have included a picture of the sheet. This is inside your numeracy workbook.

Cylinders and spheres please complete the worksheet attached- Colour Hearts.
1. if you have a printer you could print the sheet and complete.
2. If you don’t have a printer your or and adult, copy the hearts and calculations into your jotter then follow the instructions.

Colour the heart red if the answer is odd and purple if it is even.

If you do not have a purple and red pick two different colours. One for odd and a different colour for even.

Tuesday 24th March

Good morning everyone.

Thanks for all your hard work yesterday. Today’s learning is on Google Classroom but if you are unable to get on for any reason, I will outline the tasks below.



Please follow the link below and find Roy the Zebra Chapter One. If you have a grown up there to help, ask the grown up to click on the ‘before discussion’ tab and ask you the questions. These questions are to be answered by talking, you don’t have to write anything down. Select read chapter and try and read aloud to your grown up. Remember to sound out any words that are unfamiliar. Once you have finished use the ‘after discussion’ questions.

If you would prefer to read your own book from home you may do so. Please read aloud to a grown up for 10 minutes.


Please copy in the next five spell words (see Monday’s post). Copy in each word carefully, cover then try and spell each word a further two times.  Write two sentences using spell words.


Put the following words into alphabetical order. Use your orange literacy jotter. Write the question number and beside it put the words in the correct order. Remember to look at the first letter in each word and work out which one comes first in the alphabet.

  1. car   tractor    lorry
  2. hamster    cat     rabbit
  3. lemon     apple    banana
  4. Sam   Alex    Ravi      Gilbert
  5. Emily    Pat    Davinda     Sue    Jill



We are learning to identify odd and even numbers.

Mental Maths- Complete Tuesday Mental Maths (look at Monday’s post to see a copy of mental maths)

Pyramids please complete Pupil Sheet 39 in your maths booklet inside your green folder.

Cylinders & Spheres please complete Workbook 3 page 20 this workbook should be inside your green folder.



We are learning about toys in the past.

Toys From The Past

Ask someone at home or over the phone, what their favourite toy or toys were when they were your age. Try to ask parents and grandparents so you have an idea of how toys have changed over time.

Name of person….……………………..              

Name of toy……………………………………………

What was it?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………..

Can you still buy it today? ………………………………

What did they like about this toy?


Do they still have this toy? …………………

What other toys were very popular at the time?


If they still have it, see if you can take a picture of it and post it on our Google Classroom.


Monday 23rd March

Hi Primary 2, your learning for today is on Google Classroom but incase you can not access it I will put up as much as I can here to help you. Parents please remember this is a huge adjustment, all tasks do not have to be completed , please find a routine that works for you and your family.

Literacy- I would like you to copy in your first five spell words into your spelling or literacy jotter. Read each word carefully, cover then try and spell it another two times.

our spelling rule this week is ‘ou’ watch this video clip then think of some words with the ou spelling and complete Jolly Spelling sheet 25.

Numeracy-  Count up in odd numbers how far did you get?

Complete Monday Mental Maths in your Numeracy jotters.

Cylinders and Spheres –


Login to Education  City (details in home

pack) and complete odd and even task.


P2 Google Classroom

Hi everyone here are some instructions for logging onto our Google Classroom. You may require our class code this can be found on the front of the orange literacy jotters in the home learning pack. You will require your Glow username, it starts with gw. Your child has used this username before but if they can’t remember what it is, it is stuck on the orange literacy jotter.

If it asks for your Glow email, this is your username followed by

The boys and girls have all logged onto Glow many times and have successfully used Google Classroom. To access Google Classroom from home.

1. Go to the Glow login website. Use your ‘gw’ login.

2. Find the Google Classroom app this should take you straight onto google classroom with no further log in.

you do have the option to download the Google Classroom App onto your smartphone/iPad. Use the class login code (found on the orange jotter) and your gw email which ends in


















Primary 2 have been discussing memories. We have made our own memory box and today some boys and girls brought in something that represents a happy memory.

Amie brought in books from when she was a baby. They make her happy as she remembers mummy and daddy reading to her.

Finn brought in a photo of him as a baby and a toy. The toy makes him happy as he remembers the first time he cuddled it.

Lucy brought a shell which reminds her of all the happy times she has spent in Crail.

Ethan brought in photographs from a holiday meeting Mickey Mouse. He still smiles thinking about it.

Emaline brought in a sticker that reminds her of a happy tea party she had with her sister.

Isla brought in teddy monkey. This toy makes her happy as her gran gave her it and she loves cuddling her.

Brayden brought Charlie the teddy who makes him happy because he is so soft and reminds him of when he was younger.

Nathan brought in a little dinosaur which makes him happy as it was the first time he was at a museum. Nathan shared his big brother held him for the first time at the museum. What a happy memory!

Mason brought in toys he bought from his pocket money. They make him happy as he was proud to buy himself something.

Lucas shared his happy memory, photos from his mum and dads wedding. It makes him happy as he loves weddings and his mum and dad!

STEM challenge

Primary two have been exploring measure. Pupils were given a design challenge to build a 3D model of the new Cross Arthurlie nursery using a construction material of their choice. They had to follow a design brief, the model was to be longer than 30cm but less than 1m and it had to be taller than 20cm.

Pupils had lots of fun working with one another. Throughout this activity they were developing their skills in cooperation, problem solving and measuring.

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