Primary 6/2 had a great time today practising super skills on their bikes over ramps, see-saws and stairs! What incredible confidence and effort! Well done everyone!!
Primary 6/2 had a great time today practising super skills on their bikes over ramps, see-saws and stairs! What incredible confidence and effort! Well done everyone!!
Primary 6/2 had their first session of gymnastics today. They worked in pairs to create fantastic partner balances. They supported and encouraged each other while communicating clearly to each other.
The spheres maths group have been exploring decimals. Today they looked at how decimals are used in real life contexts.
The pupils highlighted different amounts of money and then wrote them out as a decimal. They then ordered the decimals from each page from smallest to largest.
Primary 6 have been learning about Poppy Scotland. They used research skills to find information on the history of the charity and how it helps people. They displayed this on creative and informative posters.
They completed a variety of art work to explore the poppy, the wars and the people affected by the wars.
They used note taking to gather their information and chose important pieces of information to display on their own poppy.
Through the exploration of a case study about an ex-serviceman, they understood where the money raised by Poppy Scotland goes and the important impact it has on people lives who have been affected by wars.
primary 6 took turns to go around the school each day selling poppies and raised a fantastic amount of money for Poppy Scotland.
Well done Primary 6!!!
Prinary 6 /2 have been working on their basketball skills. The last few weeks they have practised passing, dribbling and travelling with the ball.
Today the focus was shooting. P6 identified the skills needed which included accuracy, eye contact and control.
Have a look at some of the pupils in action!
Thank you to all of the visitors at our open afternoon on Thursday!! Primary 6 enjoyed showing you around our classroom and thank you for your help colouring, cutting and sticking!!!
Here are the finished artwork pieces. I think you will agree they are ‘out of this world’!
Welcome to Primary 6/2!
We have had a busy but exciting start to the new term. The pupils took ownership over their new classroom and decided the different areas they wanted.
Have a look at some of the areas we have set up and the fantastic work the pupils have produced already!
Literacy Area
The pupils can explore different aspects of literacy through active resources, games and challenges.
Maths Area
The pupils can consolidate their learning using a variety of resources and activities and challenge themselves with puzzles and problems available to them on the learning wall.
Tuff Tray
The tuff tray is changed regularly depending on the topic, theme or curricular area being explored by the class. This week it allows the pupils to explore fractions using a variety of resources and challenges.
Class Charter
The class decided on emotions as the topic for our class charter. Each pupil created their own emoji and choose the rights we will focus on in our classroom this term.
Calm Corner
Meet our class worry monster! If anyone has a worry they can tell the worry monster and the problem can be shared and hopefully solved! The calm corner has lots of strategies and resources for the pupils to use if they feel a variety of emotions.
Task 1
Writing – Make an Easter card for a neighbour to bring them some cheer while we are all staying at home. Please include:
– To ….
– Write a kind sentence inside which will hopefully cheer your neighbour up, see attached example
– From ….
Decorate the front with an Easter themed picture.
Task 2
Active spelling – Use the spelling grid provided in Home Learning Pack to choose a spelling activity. Select a different spelling activity from yesterday.
Task 3
Talk to an adult about a special time you remember from when you were younger. What did you do? who were you with? where were you? If you would like to share this on Google classroom that would be lovely too.
Task 1
Measure – Can you choose five objects in your house and measure them? If you don’t have a ruler could you use different objects to measure?
eg the book is the same length as 10 lego pieces.
Tell me what you measured and what you used to measure.
If you use a ruler remember to use Centimetres( CMs.)
Can you talk about your measurements with an adult using longer, shorter, the same as.
Task 2
Top marks game on measuring in cm’s.
Task 3
Please complete Thursdays Mental Maths.
Task 1
Key Comprehension – Unit 17 – The Rabbit
Read the story twice to make sure you don’t forget any important information.
Write out the answers to the five questions in full sentences in your literacy jotter.
Task 2
Active spelling – use the spelling grid provided in Home Learning Pack to choose a spelling activity – complete your chosen activity with all 10 words, this can be done in orange jotter.
Task 3
Read a book of your choice aloud with an adult.
Draw a picture of your favourite part and write a few sentences to describe your favourite part and why.
It is Friday! Well done on your first week of online learning Primary 2! It has been so lovely to see your work and hear from you all.
Task 1 – Maths Quiz
Boys and girls here is a little quiz to test you on how wel you are doing in maths!
Write out numbers 1-10 in your jotter. Read the quetions or ask your adult to read them out loud and you can write down the answer.
Get an adult to check your answers or post a picture on here and i will correct them. I will put the answers on a little later on when everyone has completed their task.
Task 2 – Topmarks – Hit the button.
Boys and girls you have all played this before and all enjoy it. Remember to stick to number bonds (the green one) and work your way from the beginning to try to challenge yourself, good luck!
Task 3
Cylinders and spheres – Maths Workbook Page 2
pyramids – Maths Booklet Home Activity 5