Welcome to P6/2

Welcome to Primary 6/2!

We have had a busy  but exciting start to the new term. The pupils took ownership over their new classroom and  decided the different areas they wanted.

Have a look at some of the areas we have set up and the fantastic work the pupils have produced already!

Literacy Area

The pupils can explore different aspects of literacy through active resources, games and  challenges.


Maths Area

The pupils can consolidate their learning using a variety of resources and activities  and  challenge themselves with puzzles and problems available to them on the learning wall.

Tuff Tray

The tuff tray is changed regularly depending on the topic, theme or curricular area being explored by the class. This week it allows the pupils to explore fractions using a variety of resources and challenges.

Class Charter

The class decided on emotions as the topic for our class charter. Each pupil created their own emoji and choose the rights we will focus on in our classroom this term.

Calm Corner

Meet our class worry monster! If anyone has a worry they can tell the worry monster and the problem can be shared and hopefully solved! The calm corner has lots of strategies and resources for the pupils to use if they feel a variety of emotions.