All posts by Mrs Britton

Online Learning

Hello P3/1!

We hope you are all well!

Thank you to everyone for logging into GLOW and joining the learning in our google classroom.

If you are having problems logging onto GLOW, please look for your password and username in your home learning pack which was given out at school.  If you didn’t receive one of these, please contact the school using our email address and we can help you.

Our class code for the google classroom can be emailed to you.

We will now post all online learning activities on the Google Classroom as most of you seem to be using this.

Please get in touch with the school office if you are having any problems and we can help you.

Thank you,

Miss Anderson and Mrs Britton

Learning for Tuesday 31st March

Hi Primary 3,

This is what I posted today on the google classroom.  Remember you do not need to complete all of the tasks.  I hope you are having a good week and I am missing you all!

Problem Solving

This weeks focus for our problem solving activity is to produce an organised list.

You can use only three colours.

How many different ways can you colour the stripes on the flag?

See the sheet below.

You start with one colour at the top, only when all combinations with that colour at the top are exhausted should another colour be used at the top. Choose the colours Red, Green and Yellow.

The first flag would be Red

Flag 2 – start again with red at the top.

Instead of the sheet you could try and solve the problem with three colours of Lego and make a flag and see how many colour combinations you can make with the three colours. I have pictures below of the first two to help you.

Top tip – not all flags need to be coloured.
Don’t worry if you can’t print off the sheet you can copy and complete the task in your jotter. Good Luck!


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Literacy – Comprehension

Unit 8
Unit focus – Extended stories
Success Criteria
I am able to-
Explore a longer story
Summarise a plot and make links between events
Discuss what speech might tell us about a character
Predict what might happen next

Read the text – The shoes come back. If there are any words that you don’t know ask an adult what they mean.

Ladybirds remember you must complete the red section and I would like you to have a go at the purple section.

Please complete P37 answering the questions in your jotter. If you get stuck please don’t worry, miss it out and move onto the next question.

Remember to answer in full sentences using the question in your answer.


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Good morning Primary 3, I hope you enjoyed your handwriting last week

Before you start I want you to wiggle your fingers to warm them up and then practise the joins in the air, like we do in class.

In your jotter try the task below. Don’t worry, I know you don’t have your handwriting jotters, so just try your best. If you want you can draw the blue and red lines to help.

Remember to write your joins across the page, finger space between each sound.
At the end you can self assess your work. Plus, minus or equals comparing your work to last week.

Again only do this task if you have time! You don’t need to do it today.

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Hello boys and girls, I thought it might be fun to show your family our Scottish Country Dance and then maybe teach them a few moves!

Remember – Forward, two, three, four, back, two, three, four. Forward, two, three, four, back, two three, together. Bounce, kick, bounce, kick, turn your partner round, bounce, kick, bounce, kick, turn your partner round. Hand crossed – round, two, three, round, two, three, round, two, three and start again!

You can always type into google – Scottish Country Dance music if you want to do it to music.


We are learning how to explore different types of energy. We are learning how energy is used as part of our daily lives.

Today we are learning how to identify Potential and Kinetic Energy.
We will be successful today if:
1. We can explain the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy
2. We can identify items with potential energy and kinetic energy
3. Want more to do?…We can draw items with potential and kinetic energy

Potential Energy
Potential Energy is energy that is stored up, ready to be used. The best example of this is sling shot. When the elastic on the sling shot is pulled back tight, it has energy stored up ready to fire the object forward.

Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy is energy in motion. This means that when something is moving it is using kinetic energy. If we think about the sling shot again, when the elastic band is let off, all the potential energy is set free. It turns into kinetic energy as the objects flies through the air!

Here are other examples:
Potential: A coiled spring, wheels on roller skates before someone skates, an archer’s bow with the string pulled back, water behind a dam, a strikers foot ready to kick the ball.

Kinetic: a moving car, a moving roller-coaster, windmills, dropping an object on the floor, a meteor shower! This link has more examples and images

1.Watch the video for more information.
2.After, complete the worksheet. You don’t need to write out the full sentence. Simply put 1a) kinetic or potential 1b) kinetic or potential 2a) etc.
3. If you wanted more to do, you could split your page in half and draw items with potential energy and items with kinetic energy that you can see in your house (or away from home too!).


Have a good day!

Home Learning 24.3.20

Hi Primary 3/1

I have scheduled work to go on to Google Classroom from 09:00.

Again it is important to remember that this is only to support you at home. As a family, you will know what works best for you. There is no pressure to complete all the work – it has to work around you. I will be logging on and off throughout the school day to check progress and answer any questions.

Stay safe everybody and I will miss you all today!

Mrs Britton


In case you can’t access the google classroom here is a list of your tasks for the day.  Please feel free to complete in any order.



Good morning Primary 3, I know we have been practising joining our handwriting and you are all getting so much better!

In your jotter try the task below. Don’t worry, I know you don’t have your handwriting jotters, so just try your best. If you want you can draw the blue and red lines to help.

Remember to write your sounds across the page, finger space between each sound.
At the end you can self assess your work.

Again only do this task if you have time! You don’t need to do it today.

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Using this weeks spelling words that are in your home pack try the roll and spell task below.
If you don’t have a dice don’t worry just choose your favourite.

Remember to write out all of your spelling words for each roll of the dice. You can do this as many times as you like. You can write out the words in your jotter.

I have also linked ‘Spelling Zone’ games pages. Just click on the page which has games for your rule. You don’t need to log in to play just choose the single player option. Enjoy! The first link is for the purple group. The second link is for the silver group.


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Have a go at finding facts.

Read the Pet Cat Facts – Unit 7 P.32 and answer the questions in your jotter on P33.

Ladybirds remember to complete the Red section.

We are learning to read for information.

Top tips to remember – Write in full sentences and check if there are two parts to the question.

Please don’t worry of you don’t get all of this completed – just try your best!

HOT CHALLENGE – Make your own Fact Poster about something that you love or are interested in. You can do this in your jotter or on a piece of paper.


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Mental Maths warm up – Practise counting in threes out loud, you can record yourself or time yourself to see how fast you can count in threes up to 30.

Problem Solving Task

Strategy – Draw a picture

Have a look at the pictures below. There is a problem solving question that you need to draw a picture for in your jotter to find the answer. Read the problem carefully. Don’t worry if you can’t solve it straight away, I will post the answer. Draw out the graph and fill out the number of pets. There is an example of the graph in the pictures. Read the question and then fill out the graph – this is you using the strategy – draw a picture. Look at your graph – What is the most popular pet?

HOT CHALLENGE – Try the extension task if you dare! You can draw another picture (graph) to help you.

Don’t look at the last two pictures until you have completed the task – it’s the answers!

The last picture is what your graph should look like.

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Hot Challenge

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Food Chains

This week we have started a new Science topic – Food Chains

We investigated the terms herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.  We had to draw and label an animal and then correctly sort the animal using a whole class Venn Diagram.  We had lots of fun!

Mathematics Problem Solving

This week we have been learning to problem solve using the strategy – I can produce an organised list.

We did a great job solving the problem.

We also had great fun reinforcing our numbers to 100 by playing snakes and ladders!


Primary 3 have been learning about space.  We had great fun working collaboratively to create space shuttles.  We used different collage materials and came up with great ideas.  We presented our finished rockets to the class.