Animal Family Poems

In writing we have been learning to use similes to make comparisons. We wrote animal family poems to compare our family members to animals. Once we redrafted our poems we researched images of different animal patterns and created a background for our writing, full of differen animal patterns. Have a look at our animal themed display below.

Chinese Tea

During Mandarin this week we learned about different types of Chinese tea, how to make tea following the Chinese traditions and the importance of drinking tea in China. We learned that there are six types of tea which Chinese people drink on a regular basis and during tea time, six cups are used as part of the tea set as six is a lucky number in China. It was interesting to see the large differences in the ways Chinese tea is made and Scottish tea is made. We enjoyed using the different equipment and got to taste some green tea and black tea.


Class Reward

As part of our class reward system we had a pyjamas and movie afternoon on Friday. With all of our hard work and effort during class, we managed to fill our ‘blurt pom’ jar up to the top. It was a rather comfortable afternoon. If only we could wear pyjamas to school everyday!


Flanders Fields Poem Writing

As part of our Remembrance day topic we analysed the poem Flanders Fields written by John McCrae. We explored the meaning of the poem in depth and then noted the poetic techniques which made the poem so effective. Using this knowledge, we wrote our own poems in the perspective of soldiers who fought in the war. Our poems were very touching  and included excellent rhyming and repetition. We typed our poems and added a poppy themed background.

Halloween Art

We hope everyone had a fun and spooky Halloween! We certainly did in class where we used oil pastels to create a skull themed peice of art work. We drew around a template of a skull and then added some bones and a body. Next we drew accessories and further detail to our skull to make it come to life. Check out our art work below.

Quadrilateral Shapes

In maths we have been learning to identify quadrilaterals. We created quadrilateral mobiles which included information about the shapes properties such as sides, angles, lengths and lines of symmetry. We then designed the plates and displayed these to hang from our class whiteboard.

Remembrance Day

On open afternoon we created poppy silhouette pictures. This involved lots of cutting and sticking of poppies and the soldier silhouette. Here is a picture of the final result and our Remembrance Day display. Thank you to everyone who came along to our open afternoon and helped us cut and stick! 

Heart Start

During Heartstart lessons we learned how to perform DRS ABC to help someone who has stopped breathing and has had a cardiac arrest.

D- check for danger

R – check for a response

S – shout for help

A – check the airway is clear

B – check for breathing

C – perform CPR (chest compressions x 30 and rescue breaths x 2)

Maths Relay Race

As part of Maths Week, we took part in a maths relay race. We worked in teams of four to answers a set of tricky maths questions. The aim of the race was to see which group could answer the most questions correctly. It was challenging and exciting at the same time.


Moon Jumps

Our first Science topic this term is Space. We have been learning about gravity and how this affects the weight of objects on different planets. Gravity is what keeps all of us on the ground, the planets in their orbits and the galaxies spinning. Without gravity, everything would be floating around aimlessly and nothing would be able to stay on the earth. We calculated how far we can jump (in centimetres) and multiplied this by 6 to see how far we would jump on the moon. The furthest jump in our class was 200cm which is equivalent to 1200cm on the moon!

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