Panackes for Sale!

Yesterday, as part of their enterprise topic, Primary 7 set up and ran their own pancake sale. Each group carried out market research to ensure their products would be in high demand and carefully calculated costs to ensure they would make a profit. Next, the pupils advertised their ventures and prepared their shops. On the day, Primary 7 provided excellent customer service to the whole school and had a great time in the process!


Cooking Skills!

Over the past few weeks Primary 7 have been cooking up a storm at Cross Arthurlie. The pupils shared the many different cooking skills they have practised at home and their various culinary success stories. They then went on to learn about safety when using knives in the kitchen. The pupils then applied this knowledge when learning to dice an onion and juice an orange.



Happy Birthday Robert Burns!

Today we had an early Burns Supper. Pupils read the Selkirk Grace before a starter of oatcakes and cheese. Next, the haggis was piped in and pupils read ‘Address to a Haggis’. Scottish entertainment was also provided by the class, ranging from traditional Burns poetry, to a modern Burns rap.



Robotics: High School Visit

Today Primary 7 put their programming knowledge to the test. Each class were set challenges for their robot to complete. All of the groups worked hard together, persevering amazingly even when it got tricky! By the end of the visit Primary 7 had their robots dancing and making sounds, well done everyone!


Glasgow Rocks!

Yesterday, Glasgow Rocks basketball team and their coaches visited Primary 6 and 7. The children took part in workshops around the school learning about ways to keep themselves healthy. Pupils were also given the opportunity to ask the players, who had come from a range places across the world, any question they liked about their careers. Above all the pupils got to shoot some hoops with the trainers with some impressive results!


Following their research into the world of robotics Primary 7 have begun building their own. Using Lego Mindstorm kits the pupils worked in groups to create robots. They attached wheels and programmed their creations to move! This was in preparation for a visit from the High School next week where their robots will be put to the test with a variety of challenges.


Primary 7 have been exploring pH within science. The children completed an experiment using universal indicator to test the pH of different solutions. Many pupils were able to use their knowledge of pH to identify the liquids before they were even told, well done!


Robotics Research

Primary 7/2 have been learning about robotics. In groups, they chose an area of the field to research and then put their findings into a SWAY presentation. Today they presented their learning to the rest of the class. The pupil’s talks were both engaging and informative and each group taught the rest of the class something new, well done Primary 7!

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