LITERACY 25/03/20

Today in LITERACY…

We are learning to identify facts and opinions!
Watch Newsround and write down 6 facts from it.
Next, write 2 sentences giving your own opinion about the news today.

Read one or more of the news stories on the DOGO News website and write down 4 interesting facts you learned.

MATHS 25/03/20

Today in MATHS…

We are going to round money to the nearest £1 and 10p.
Watch the video and then round each of the prices to the nearest £1 and then to the nearest 10p. I’ve done the first one for you in red. 

Play the ‘Fill in the Gaps’ game on BBC Bitesize underneath the video.

Rounding money worksheet


SCIENCE- 24/03/20

This afternoon in SCIENCE…
we will be learning about the digestive system.

Watch the video below then have a read through the website.

Next, write the names of the parts of the digestive system and a sentence about what each part does. (you can do this wherever you like) You might also want to draw them!
(Remember: use the video and website to help you!)


LITERACY 24/03/20

Today for LITERACY…

Watch this Fact or Opinion video on YouTube.

Decide if each sentence on the worksheet is a fact or an opinion.

Write 4 facts and 4 opinions and get someone at home to guess which is which.
Play the Fact or Opinion game underneath.

Maths! 24/03/20

Today for MATHS…

We’re going to be thinking about money. Find the total cost of these items.
THINK! What is important when we are laying out a calculation involving decimal numbers?

Once you’ve finished, write a wish list of 5 things you would like. Look up their prices online and find the total cost.

If you are finished play the Money Master game working with different currencies!




This morning, Primary 7 went to Barrhead High School to try out some P.E. They could choose gymnastics where they did some floor work, partner moves and jumps on trampets. The pupils also got a chance to practise their basketball skills such as shooting and playing a game as part of a team.


Sponsored Run!

Yesterday, Primary 7 braved the elements to take part in a sponsored run at Cowan Park. No one let the rain dampen their spirts as everyone raced full force around the park, not even stopping to avoid puddles! Great job Primary 7!


World Book Day!

Today, to celebrate World Book Day, the hall was transformed into a tranquil reading area. Primary 2 then chose their favourite book which they brought along from Primary 7 to read to them. Primary 7 read beautifully to the younger children, engaging them all with excellent expression and pace!



Lord Provost

Primary 7 visited the debating chambers at East Renfrewshire Headquarters. There they posed the motion ‘This house believes that animal testing should be banned’ to the Lord Provost. Both the affirmative and opposing sides prepared convincing arguments with thought-provoking facts and statistics. In addition, the pupils delivered their arguments with passion and conviction, well done Primary 7!


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