All posts by Mrs Forsyth

Virgin Money

We are participating in the Virgin Money “Make £5 Grow” campaign. The first thing we did was to choose who would want to work with to start a business and then we had to come up with a business product. We would only get £5 each to spend so we had to think about making things that didn’t cost a lot of money to make! Then we pitched our business idea to two “dragons” from Virgin Money to see if they would invest and give us the £5. Thankfully they invested in everyone’s groups! We then went out and bought the ingredients that we would need to make our products so we can set up our stalls. We had to remember to keep our receipts and write how much we spent in our receipt passports so we could keep an eye on how much we were spending. We then had a whole week to market our products and we choose to put up posters all around the school. The following week, this week, we started selling our products. My group made £4.45 on the first day but because we needed to get more products we took £2 off our takings so we actually only made £2.45. So far I have really enjoyed the Virgin Money campaign and I’m excited to see what happens the rest of the week and how much profit we end up with!

Natasha P7a