Outdoor learning

Last week p1a went out to the field for some outdoor learning. It was  cold and muddy so we had to wear our wellies and a warm jumper under our waterproof suits. Some of us also brought hats which was very sensible! We enjoyed exploring all the outdoor resources and we are looking forward to going out again this Friday.  Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain!


Stranger Danger

Primary 1 have been learning all about Stranger Danger today.

We had a visit from a Police Officer who spoke to us all about how to stay safe. We learnt never to go with strangers and we practised what we would do if we were ever in that situation – Run, Yell and Tell! We talked about people we could trust to tell. Our ideas included mums and dads, police officers, firefighters and our teachers.

The photos below show us practising our Running, Yelling and Telling. We were very loud!


Assembly rehearsals are underway!

We have been very busy this week rehearsing for our assembly. Everyone has worked very hard to learn their lines and we have some fantastic songs to perform. We had our dress rehearsal today and everyone looked great in their costumes and headbands. We are very excited to share our assembly with parents, family and other classes tomorrow morning.