WEEK BEG. 15.06.20

Remote Learning – Week 11

Happy Monday #Team2B! I hope you all had fun competing in the Virtual Sports’ Day at the weekend! I wonder which House clinched the trophy?  Come on Stuart House!

This is our penultimate week before the Summer break and learning experiences continue to be uploaded onto our MS Team by myself, Mr Gordon and Mrs Ali.

To enable me to assess pupils’ learning, engagement and levels of support received  please continue to tag posts with:

I have finished my work on my own today.

I have needed some help to finish with my work today.

I have needed full support to finish my work today.

Hopefully, you will have received an email at the weekend asking for textbooks and core reading books to be returned to school.

Today is the last day of us using TJ 1A booklets and because the reading texts this week are on a PowerPoint or photo then you can start returning these items to school at your earliest convenience.

Identified boxes will be left at the main entrance for a safe drop off. Please observe social distancing rules by using the markers on the ground. Many thanks.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Team or my email as I am here to support! Thank you for your continued support of the remote learning programme.  I will post any special announcements/updates in the Playground Chat channel of our Team. Have a great week everyone!

Miss M x