WEEK BEG. 22.06.20

Remote Learning – Week 12

 Well #Team2B, we have arrived at our last week of learning together. This week will look a wee bit different so I have attached a table to the General channel on our Team  outlining the week’s task and events.

The focus this week is Transitions and Health and Wellbeing. On Friday, we say goodbye to our time together in P2B but you have much to look forward to in P3B.

You will see that I have created a new channel called ‘Meet Mrs Brown’. Here you can interact with her, share information and get to know one another. Tomorrow (23rd)  you will spend an hour from 1-2pm doing just that for the Meet the Teacher event.

Personally, I would like to let you know how incredibly proud I am of you all. Mums and Dads included! Who would have known that when we said goodbye on the 20th March that it would be the last time we would be in our classroom together? Not me!

Thank you for your hard work, effort and dedication to the remote learning programme and for supporting your child’s continuing education. Boys and girls – you have been amazing! I have loved all your photos, drawings and comments on the Team and I will cherish all of the happy and fun times we shared online!

Please remember to come to school to collect your class work/any belongings/PE kits this week, Monday-Wednesday.

Let’s have a fantastic last week together everyone! Let’s do this!

Love Miss M x

WEEK BEG. 15.06.20

Remote Learning – Week 11

Happy Monday #Team2B! I hope you all had fun competing in the Virtual Sports’ Day at the weekend! I wonder which House clinched the trophy?  Come on Stuart House!

This is our penultimate week before the Summer break and learning experiences continue to be uploaded onto our MS Team by myself, Mr Gordon and Mrs Ali.

To enable me to assess pupils’ learning, engagement and levels of support received  please continue to tag posts with:

I have finished my work on my own today.

I have needed some help to finish with my work today.

I have needed full support to finish my work today.

Hopefully, you will have received an email at the weekend asking for textbooks and core reading books to be returned to school.

Today is the last day of us using TJ 1A booklets and because the reading texts this week are on a PowerPoint or photo then you can start returning these items to school at your earliest convenience.

Identified boxes will be left at the main entrance for a safe drop off. Please observe social distancing rules by using the markers on the ground. Many thanks.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Team or my email as I am here to support! Thank you for your continued support of the remote learning programme.  I will post any special announcements/updates in the Playground Chat channel of our Team. Have a great week everyone!

Miss M x



WEEK BEG. 08.06.20

Remote Learning – Week 10

Good morning #Team2B – I hope a restful weekend was had by all. Staff are returning to work this week to prepare for your return in August and we are so happy to be able to do so!

This week, learning experiences continue to be uploaded onto our MS Team.  Mr Gordon has uploaded a post to give some information about a Virtual Sports’ Day on Friday 12th June so check that out when you can.

To enable me to assess pupils’ learning, engagement and levels of support received  please continue to tag posts with:

I have finished my work on my own today.

I have needed some help with my work today.

I have needed full support to finish my work today.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Team or my email as I am here to support! Thank you and let’s hope the sunshine is back and here to stay. Have a great week everyone!

Miss McC x

WEEK BEG. 01.06.20

Remote Learning – Week 9

Today marks the first day of another new month whilst we learn and work from home. It is also a sign that the summer break isn’t far away either and this means that you are closer to returning to Braidbar in August. I am looking forward to that day – are you? I also hope you had a brilliant weekend in the very warm sun. It was hot!

Online learning experiences, tasks and activities continue to be uploaded daily onto our MS Team.

To assess learning, engagement and levels of support received from a family member please continue to tag posts with:

I have finished my work on my own today.

I have needed some help with my work today.

I have needed full support to finish my work today.

Please, also, get in touch via our class Team or email should you have a question or query – I am here to support! Thank you and let’s hope the sunshine is here to stay. Have a great week everyone!

Miss M x