Please find attached below homework tasks for this week.
Thank you so much for your efforts in supporting your child to produce such creative and educational maths games to celebrate Maths Week Scotland.
Pictures to follow!
A reminder that school will be closed for the Autumn break Monday 14th October – Monday 21st October (in-service day for staff only) inclusive.
We re-open on Tuesday 22nd October.
I hope you have a relaxing week planned!
Thanks for all that you do.
Miss Baillie 🙂
P2A Homework-07-10-19
You will find attached below this week’s homework tasks to be completed Tuesday to Thursday.
Please hand-in completed tasks on Friday.
On Friday, we will be playing the maths games designed by you to celebrate the end of Maths Week Scotland.
Miss B 🙂
P2A 30-09-19
You will find attached below this week’s homework tasks to be completed Monday to Wednesday.
Please hand-in completed homework on Thursday this week to take account of the September weekend holiday.
Thanks for your continued support 🙂
A reminder that school will be closed Friday 27th September – Monday 30th September (inclusive). We re-open Tuesday 1st October.
Happy weekend!
Miss Baillie
P2A wb 23-09-19
You will find attached below this week’s homework tasks to be completed Monday to Thursday.
Please hand-in completed homework on a Friday.
Continue to use the communication diaries to advise of any queries, upcoming notes of absence or concerns.
In the coming weeks please keep an eye out for updates and photographs from our learning.
Thanks for your continued support.
Miss Baillie 🙂
P2A 16-09-19
You will find attached below this week’s homework tasks to be completed Monday to Thursday.
Please hand-in completed homework on a Friday.
Continue to use the communication diaries to advise of any queries, upcoming notes of absence or concerns.
Thanks for your continued support with your child’s learning journey.
P2A wb 9-9-19
Miss Baillie
Please find attached above this week’s homework tasks to be completed Monday to Thursday.
Please hand-in homework on a Friday.
You may also note that one of our P.E days has changed from a Monday to Wednesday. This is a permanent change for the year.
Continue to use the communication diaries to advise of any queries or concerns.
Thanks for your continued support in consolidating skills at home.
Miss Baillie
P2A 2-9-19
What a year P1A!
Please clink the link below to view some special memories of our year together!
I have loved being your P1 teacher!
Good luck to you all for Primary 2!
Miss M x
Just another – East Renfrewshire site