Update 22.06.20

School Closes for the Summer Holidays | West Street Community Primary

Good morning P2A, I cannot believe we have come to our final week of Primary 2!

The focus this week is Transitions and Health and Wellbeing. I have posted new games on Education City for Maths and Literacy that can be completed throughout the week. On Friday, we say goodbye to our time together in P2A but you have much to look forward to in P3A.

You will see that I have created a new channel called ‘Meet Mrs Phee’. Here you can interact with her, share information and get to know one another. Tomorrow (23rd)  you will spend an hour from 1-2pm doing just that for the Meet the Teacher event.

I am so proud of all the hard work that has been achieved this year not only in school but also through remote learning. Through your dedication and commitment to learning you have all made this year so enjoyable and special. I have loved seeing photos of your amazing work and achievements over the past number of weeks and being kept up to date with how you have all been getting on!

Please remember to come to school to collect your class work/any belongings/PE kits this week, Monday-Wednesday.

Thank you again for your continued support throughout this year.

Miss Baillie 🙂