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Hello P3A

Hello everyone in P3A. This is just a welcome blog to say that almost all of our information/ homework etc this year will be available for you on Teams. There may be some photos etc that will appear here but I am sure that you will know if you have blogged something and can tell your parents all about it.

Looking forward to this very strange year.

Mrs Phee



Update 22.06.20

School Closes for the Summer Holidays | West Street Community Primary

Good morning P2A, I cannot believe we have come to our final week of Primary 2!

The focus this week is Transitions and Health and Wellbeing. I have posted new games on Education City for Maths and Literacy that can be completed throughout the week. On Friday, we say goodbye to our time together in P2A but you have much to look forward to in P3A.

You will see that I have created a new channel called ‘Meet Mrs Phee’. Here you can interact with her, share information and get to know one another. Tomorrow (23rd)  you will spend an hour from 1-2pm doing just that for the Meet the Teacher event.

I am so proud of all the hard work that has been achieved this year not only in school but also through remote learning. Through your dedication and commitment to learning you have all made this year so enjoyable and special. I have loved seeing photos of your amazing work and achievements over the past number of weeks and being kept up to date with how you have all been getting on!

Please remember to come to school to collect your class work/any belongings/PE kits this week, Monday-Wednesday.

Thank you again for your continued support throughout this year.

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 15.06.20

Good morning P2A!

I have uploaded maths, literacy and IDL tasks on your Teams for today, please continue to let me know how you are getting on with each task.

Once you have completed a task please let me know how you go on: completed independently, completed with little support, or completed with a lot of support. This can be done through the channels or through emailing me directly.

I am loving seeing pictures of your work so please continue to post when possible to allow me to provide feedback.

I have also uploaded new education city games for you to complete throughout the week under ‘classwork’.


To organise for returning after summer efficiently, safely and ahead of time may we please ask you to return ALL school textbooks which you have in your home.

May we please ask you to drop the textbooks in the identified boxes outside the school’s main entrance any time between Monday 15 June and Monday 22 June 2020 (8am to 4pm).  A member of our team will empty the drop-off boxes each day.

Thank you for your continued support and keep up the amazing work P2A!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 08.06.20

Good morning P2A!

I have uploaded maths, literacy and IDL tasks on your Teams for today, please continue to let me know how you are getting on with each task.

Once you have completed a task please let me know how you go on: completed independently, completed with little support, or completed with a lot of support. This can be done through the channels or through emailing me directly.

I am loving seeing pictures of your work so please continue to post when possible to allow me to provide feedback.

I have also uploaded new education city games for you to complete throughout the week under ‘classwork’.

Thank you for your continued support and keep up the amazing work P2A!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 01.06.20

Good morning P2A, I can’t believe we are in June already!

I have uploaded maths and literacy tasks on your Teams for today, please continue to let me know how you are getting on with each task.

Once you have completed a task please let me know how you go on: completed independently, completed with little support, or completed with a lot of support. This can be done through the channels or through emailing me directly. I am loving seeing pictures of your work so please continue to post when possible to allow me to provide feedback.

I have also uploaded new education city games for you to complete throughout the week under ‘classwork’.

Thank you for your continued support!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 27.05.20

Welcome back P2A, I hope everyone had a good long weekend!

I have uploaded maths and literacy tasks on your Teams for today, please continue to let me know how you are getting on with each task.

Once you have completed a task please let me know how you go on: completed independently, completed with little support, or completed with a lot of support. This can be done through the channels or through emailing me directly. I am loving seeing pictures of your work so please continue to post when possible to allow me to provide feedback.

I have also uploaded new education city games for you to complete throughout the week under ‘classwork’.

Thank you for your continued support!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 18.05.20


Good morning P2A, I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Learning experiences, tasks and activities continue to be uploaded onto our MS Team  daily so please try to upload or comment in the ‘chat’ channels over the course of the week. I really enjoy viewing your photos and completed work so please continue to do so to allow me to give you feedback.

I am still waiting on a few IDL research tasks about South America to be ‘handed in’ so if you have not uploaded them onto the Team or sent via email then please do so. It is important that I am able to view these to assess the attached outcomes for learners.

This is a 4 day week as Friday is a holiday. I will post assignments as usual Monday-Thursday and then on Friday morning, I’ll post a few ideas of how you could keep busy over the long weekend. We will resume home learning tasks on Wednesday 27th as Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is an in-service day.

Thank you for your continued support of our remote learning programme. Have a great week everyone!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 11.05.20

Good morning P2A!

We are now in week 6 of home learning and you are all doing incredibly well. I am loving seeing all the work you are doing and the creations you are making at home with your family! I will continue to post tasks on Microsoft Teams throughout the week. Please keep in contact with me throughout the week, whether it is through a post, picture of work or an email.

Have a great week and thank you for your continued support!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 04.05.20

Good morning P2A, happy Monday! I will be continuing to post tasks and activities on Teams this week so please ensure you are logging on to access them.

I have uploaded games onto your Education City accounts this week so please play as part of independent learning and to reinforce already taught concepts.

I am really enjoying seeing the hard work you are doing so please keep uploading work to Teams as this allows me to not only assess the work but to also provide feedback for all the hard work. If you are having any problems with this please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 20.04.20

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a relaxing break and is ready to start working hard again!

Just a reminder that the main contact will be on Microsoft Teams, where tasks will be posted daily. Please continue to use the channels to post updates of how you are getting on, I am loving hearing from you all and keeping in touching through posts and pictures.

As always if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Miss Baillie 🙂