W.b. 30.03.20

Good morning, I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready for the week ahead! Please remember this blog will be used to share any updates  at the beginning of the week and Microsoft Teams will be used daily for pupil tasks.

Please use the ‘Primary 2A’ channel on Microsoft Teams to share your work, ask questions or share how you are getting on working at home!  Look out for tasks being posted the channel ‘PE with Joe Wicks’ as well!

Miss Baillie 🙂

Update 25.03.20

Hope everyone is well! Just a quick update on Microsoft Teams, I have uploaded the daily maths and literacy tasks to your groups, please remember if you have any questions or would like to share your work use the P2A channel in Teams!

Your challenge for today is ‘Acts of Kindness’. I can’t wait to hear what you will get up to throughout the day!

Remember to stay safe!

Miss Baillie 🙂

W.b. 23.03.20

Good morning to P2

In this post you will find a little more information about learning from home and tasks to complete Monday to Friday.

I will use this blog weekly to sign post any important updates.

Routine of the Day

You can choose which order you complete your learning targets, but you should aim to finish them for 3:00pmjust like you would if it was a day in class at school.

Please remember your snack break in the morning, and lunchtime break in the afternoon!

Remote Online Learning

At 9:00am everyday it might be an idea to log onto your Microsoft Teams using your GLOW account (gw16 17 18 or 19…) to have a look at what Literacy, Numeracy and Other learning tasks/online experiences I, Mr Gordon or Mrs Ali have asked you to complete or take part in.

On a Friday you may be set an assignment on your Team to assess mental maths or spelling skills. You will find the ‘Assignment’ tab at the top of the Teams page.

At 3:05pm I will have the link to our class tidy up music on the ‘YouTube’ tab at the top of the page. Play this so you can get your learning space tidy and ready for the next working day.

Remote Learning Resources

Last Thursday (19th) you were sent home with a home learning folder containing jotters, maths booklet, My Special Book and group reading texts.

Please compete written tasks neatly, in pencil and use the same jotter layout as in class.

Remember to:

write the long date in literacy jotter e.g. Monday 23rd March
write the short date in maths/IDL jotter e.g. 23.03.20
take a new line for each question
remember 1 digit per box in maths jotters/miss 2 boxes between each question.

Thank you for our support with the above – the children will keep you right I am sure!

Please use the guidelines and help sheets for logging in to learning sites sent to you in a school email last week if needed.


Homework w.b. 09.03.20

Please find in the below link homework tasks to be completed for Friday.



Miss Baillie 🙂

STEM Challenge

Please see a note from the STEM Committee sent out on Friday 6th March. The deadline for this challenge is Thursday 19th March.


The idea for this challenge was created by the STEM Committee and it is to encourage pupils to engage in STEM activities outside of school.

You should take a selfie doing something related to Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths. Please print the picture and write your NAME, HOUSE and CLASS on the back.

We will then create a display board of all the selfies.  The STEM Committee will judge and select overall first, second and third place winners.  They will receive points for their house.  Family pictures are more than welcome but please ensure each child has a copy of their picture to submit.  Please bring pictures to school by Thursday 19th March. Thank you.

Good luck and happy STEM-ing 🙂

Alex, Aisha & William P7

Get Caught Reading!

Image result for world book week

World Book Week Challenge – if you have been ‘caught’ sharing or reading a book, factual text, magazine, leaflet or comic then please take a picture and bring it into school for Friday 13th March.

homework w.b. 02.03.20

Please find attached below homework tasks to be completed this week and to be handed-in on Friday.


World Book Day 2020

To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday  I would like you to bring in your favourite book/prop to celebrate in class, Thursday 5th March.  Please be prepared to share reasons of why you have chosen your book and what you like about it.

Thanks for your continued support.

Miss Baillie 🙂