HOMEWORK WB 28.10.19

You will find attached below the homework tasks to be completed Monday to Thursday this week. Please hand-in completed on Friday.


We would also like to gather information from parents/carers about the different ways in which we can engage with you.

Please click on the link below to access a short survey:


We would be most grateful for your response.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Baillie ๐Ÿ™‚

homework wb. 07.10.19

Please find attached below homework tasks for this week.

Thank you so much for your efforts in supporting your child to produce such creative and educational maths games to celebrate Maths Week Scotland.

Pictures to follow!

A reminder that school will be closed for the Autumn breakย Monday 14th October โ€“ Monday 21st Octoberย (in-service day for staff only) inclusive.

We re-open onย Tuesday 22nd October.

I hope you have a relaxing week planned!

Thanks for all that you do.

Miss Baillie ๐Ÿ™‚

P2A Homework-07-10-19