Reading (finish the book over the 4 nights) /Spelling *Nessy Spellers- please check your jotter for your words Authors: Cars, cars, cars Spelling: ou January, out, February, our, March, round, April, mouth, May, outside, ? Illustrators: Fun Festivals Spelling: o_e January, bone, February, nose, March, home, April, globe, May, tadpole,
Poets: What we do all day
Monday: Mental Maths , reading and write the first 5 words three times Tuesday: Mental Maths , reading and Hidden Words. (*Hidden Words= Draw a detailed picture and write the words in your picture Wednesday: Mental maths, reading and write the last five words three times Thursday: Mental Maths , reading and Hidden Words IT’S HALLOWEEN SO PLEASE DON’T WORRY IF YOU DON’T DO ANY HOMEWORK TONIGHT!!!!