Tag Archives: Numeracy

Homework WB 07.01.19

Happy New Year!!

I hope you had a good break over the holidays.

Homework will follow a slightly different pattern this term:


The Ballerina of Doom – Whole book by Friday, please.

The Knife – Whole book by Friday, please.

A Vet’s Day – Whole book by Friday, please.

Rachel’s Mysterious Drawings – Whole book by Friday, please.



This week’s spelling homework (and subsequent weeks) will be issued on a Wednesday. This means all groups will receive their new spelling words at the same time. This week’s words will be made up with revision words from our assessment. Please complete 2 tasks from the active spelling grid. A new copy can be found here if you need one.


Mental Maths

Education City passwords and usernames will be given out on Wednesday (09.01.19). Your child will be assigned one or two tasks to complete by the following Wednesday.



Next week will be the start of our exPLORE home research topic. Once we have jointly decided on our learning for this term, we will co-create a theme for our personal research. More to follow…

This week will be the final written homework for the year!

Homework for this week is as follows:


Sea Snaps – Whole book by Friday, please.

Fantastic Mr Fox – Chapter 8 – end  by Friday, please.

Antarctica : Land of the Penguins  – Whole book by Friday, please.

Toyshop Terror – Whole book by Friday, please.



You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. The children can put good work onto their wall.  Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.

If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

Miss Innes’ group conclude homework on Wednesday. Please complete the final task Miss Innes has set for Wednesday.



Ten mental maths questions each night. These are based on their previous and current mental strategies that they have been using. Please say the calculation out loud and allow them plenty thinking time. Any “concrete” strategies they favour should be encouraged (fingers, patterns, beads etc) Note down their answer onto the sheet. Any miscalculations can be discussed.

Have a great week.

Mr Chrystal

Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning lots of new things in maths since we arrived in Primary One. We really enjoy problem solving because we get to act out our strategies and work together to solve the problem. We have also been learning about adding three numbers, halving numbers and identifying right angles. Take a look at what we have learned so far this week.


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