Tag Archives: education city

Homework WB 13.05.19


This week’s homework is as follows:


101 Ways to Beat Boredom – Whole book by Friday

Paris Adventure – Whole book by Friday

Incredible Insects – Whole book by Friday

The Camel Fair – Whole book by Friday


New spelling words will be issued on Wednesday for all groups.

Miss Innes’ group will have their task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Wednesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be sufficient to show your child has completed work.



Homework for this week is on Education City. Please have your child sign in and complete the tasks. Please ensure your child completes the task so it can be added to their record of completed work.



To enhance our Spotlight Skills work, I would be grateful if you could donate the following items – if you have them.

  • Old/obsolete/broken mechanical or electrical items that are laying in the back of a cupboard. These items will be taken apart and cannot be returned, so items that would otherwise go to landfill ONLY (No antiques or heirlooms!)
  • Clean pine or other softwood timber for use in our workbench area.
  • Spare or unwanted Philips (cross head) screwdrivers that you would be willing to donate to the school.
  • Plastic milkbottle tops – Green, red or blue type of thing.
  • Old, clean wooden boxes or palettes (let me know if you have these so i can judge how many to accept!)
  • Any old/ clean hinges, doorknobs, nameplates or ironmongery. Basically anything that can be connected with screws.

Thank you very much for your continued support

Mr C

Homework W/B 29.04.19


I hope you had a pleasant weekend.

Homework for this  week is as follows:


Farm Boy – Whole book by Friday

Care Of Henry – Whole book by Friday

Quackers – Whole book by Friday

The Shiny Key – Whole book by Friday


New spelling words will be issued on Wednesday.

Miss Innes’ group will have new words and homework task in their jotter on Wednesday.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Wednesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.


This week’s maths homework is available on Education City.

Please complete the activities or games over the three evenings by Friday.


Thank you for your continued support with your child’s homework.

Mr C

Homework WB 25.03.19


Homework for this week is as follows:


Rally Challenge – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

Fright in the Night  – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

Machines that Move  – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

Twelfth Floor Kids  – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

If you want your child to read a different book for 15 min after the book is completed, please use a library book of something you have at home.



No spelling words will be issued on Wednesday. Class spelling work will be revision of sounds and rules covered so far.

Miss Innes’ group have no new words this week and will work on revision of sounds and rules covered so far.




Maths tasks and games for your child can be found here on Education City.

If you wish your child to do a mental maths task each night, they can log on to their Google Classroom and complete the optional “Daily 10”

Your child has a copy of their login and password in their Homework Diary.

Have a great week.

Mr C


Homework W/B 18.03.19


Homework this week is as follows…



Nutty As a Noodle – Whole book for Friday

Lost in Egypt – Whole book for Friday

The Treasure Chest – Whole book for Friday

Human Body Adventures – Whole book for Friday



New Spelling words will be issued on Wednesday.

Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Wednesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.



Maths tasks and games for your child can be found here on Education City.

Your child has a copy of their login and password in their Homework Diary.


Looking forward to seeing you all this week.


Mr C



Hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.

Homework for this week is as follows:


Refugees – finish book

Cat Talk – finish book

The Witches Dog and the Crystal Ball – finish book

Old Things – finish book.



At the time of posting, technical problems are preventing access to Education City to set our homework tasks. Please check back later, or your child can access their favourite games for 10 mins this evening, if there are no specific tasks set.



Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Tuesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.

Thank you so much for your support for the children’s personal research project – the finished products have been interesting and entertaining. I will post a little movie showcasing the children’s work, once they have all had an opportunity to present it to the class.


Just a reminder – No swimming tomorrow.

Mr C

Homework WB 07.01.19

Happy New Year!!

I hope you had a good break over the holidays.

Homework will follow a slightly different pattern this term:


The Ballerina of Doom – Whole book by Friday, please.

The Knife – Whole book by Friday, please.

A Vet’s Day – Whole book by Friday, please.

Rachel’s Mysterious Drawings – Whole book by Friday, please.



This week’s spelling homework (and subsequent weeks) will be issued on a Wednesday. This means all groups will receive their new spelling words at the same time. This week’s words will be made up with revision words from our assessment. Please complete 2 tasks from the active spelling grid. A new copy can be found here if you need one.


Mental Maths

Education City passwords and usernames will be given out on Wednesday (09.01.19). Your child will be assigned one or two tasks to complete by the following Wednesday.



Next week will be the start of our exPLORE home research topic. Once we have jointly decided on our learning for this term, we will co-create a theme for our personal research. More to follow…