Home Learning!

Good Morning!

Firstly, I want to take this opportunity to send well wishes and good health to all. In light of recent and unprecedented news, our working circumstances have changed greatly and I appreciate your patience and support while we all adjust to this new way of working and learning. I will hugely miss getting to see my primary 5’s everyday and am so proud of  the maturity,  resilience and optimism which they displayed at the end of last week. I know that their immense creativity and enthusiastic hard work will ensure their happiness and progression with learning from home.

From now on and for the foreseeable future, daily learning experiences will be posted on our Blog for 9am. These tasks may be an explanation, photograph, video or activity. For some, you will be directed to a Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Education City or SumDog. Jotters have been provided – one Numeracy and Maths, one Literacy and English and one IDL – where work can be recorded when indicated. On other occasions work will be saved on to the Google Classroom or Team, and sometimes the learning will be active with no need for writing or typing. In this instance you are more than welcome to photograph and share this with me through glow email or put them on your profile but this in not obligatory.

We appreciate that this is a very uncertain and busy time for our Braidbar families and so please only do what is right for you and your family.

Please find todays home learning experiences in the word document below.

Home Learning Experiences

Sending well wishes and positivity!

Mrs Macintyre

World Book Day and Beat the Street

Thank you to Eva and Angus who both brought in their favourite books today and told us a little bit about them! Remember to catch as many people reading as you can this week with your Read Aloud Challenge!

Also, a huge thank you to Isla who taught a fantastic Art lesson today about how to make decorative hedgehogs, focusing on recycling old books! Well done, Isla!

Also, don’t forget to Beat the Street! Braidbar are in the Top 10 with almost 19,000 points! Keep ‘beating the street’ at home for us to make the Top 5 and please send in photos for us to share!

Homework W/C 02.03.20


Please find homework listed below.


Usual spelling homework, all words written three times plus two activity spelling strategies of your choice. Nessy spelling will be issued on Wednesday and Thursday as normal.


Rowlings – First two stories for Friday please.

Walliams – Half the book for Friday please.

Dahls – Half the book for Friday please.

Morpurgos – Half the book for Friday please.

Robins – Half the book for Friday please.

This week we’ll continue to look at skimming and scanning to find information. Feel free to practise this skill while reading to get the main idea of a paragraph (skimming) or to find a particular word or phrase (scanning).


For maths homework can you please complete 10 minutes of SumDog 3 nights this week.


National Galleries of  Art Scotland Competition

We’ll be starting our submissions for our annual National Galleries Art Competion this week. This years theme is magical creatures and fierce monsters! We’ll have some time to research this area linked to our Viking topic in class (mythical creatures) but feel free to discuss this at home!

I hope you all have a great week.


We had an amazing time at Vikingar last Wednesday learning all about life in the long house, Gods and Goddesses worshipped by Vikings and lots of information about the various jobs Vikings did. We even ended the day with a few marriages!

Thank you to all our amazing parent helpers! We had such a great time and it wouldn’t be possible without your attendance.

Homework W/C 24.02.20


Please find homework listed below on the week of our Vikingar trip!


Usual spelling homework, all words written three times plus two activity spelling strategies of your choice. Nessy spelling will be issued on Wednesday and Thursday as normal.


Rowlings – The Pyramids of Doom, full book for Friday please.

Walliams – Cheat! Page 30 for Friday please.

Dahls – The Scary Day, end of the book for Friday please.

Morpurgos – The Rainbow Machine, end of the book for Friday please.

Robins – Dinosaur Whodunnit, end of chapter two for Friday please.

This week we’ll be looking at skimming and scanning to find information. Feel free to practise this skill while reading to get the main idea of a paragraph (skimming) or to find a particular word or phrase (scanning).


Each group has their mental maths grid. Please complete as normal.


We’re visiting Vikingar on Wednesday! We’ll be out of school almost the whole day so can you please make sure that you bring a snack (which we will have on arrival) and a packed lunch (which we’ll eat before returning to Braidbar). We will also have the opportunity to visit the Gift Shop. Spending money for this part of the trip is optional with a suggested limit of £5.

Class Visitor 

On Thursday we are getting a visit from an Occupational Health Nurse who will be in to talk with us about tooth brushing, diet and healthy lifestyle choices. Feel free to prepare any questions that you would like to ask him or her before the visit.

I hope you all have a great week.

Message from our Pupil Council

The Pupil Council Committee have organised to collect non-food items for our local food bank. We are hoping you can raid your cupboards and donate some essential non-food items for those in crisis.

If you have any of the following  items we would be very grateful:

  • Household items – laundry liquid detergent, laundry powder, washing up liquid
  • Feminine products – sanitary towels and tampons
  • Baby supplies – nappies, baby wipes and baby food.
  • Toiletries – deodorant, toilet paper, shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, tooth paste, hand wipes

Some information of our plans had previously been shared, therefore we have already received some donations. Thank you to everyone who has already given some suitable items 🙂

Collection date: by Friday 27th March to Mrs Stirling’s room.

Thank you,

The Pupil Council Committee, Mrs Phee and Mrs Stirling

Homework W/C 17.02.20


Please find homework listed below.


Usual spelling homework, all words written three times plus two activity spelling strategies of your choice. Nessy spelling will be issued on Wednesday and Thursday as normal.


Rowlings – Sharks, full book for Friday please.

Walliams – Birds, end of the book for Friday please.

Dahls – Big Cats, end of the book for Friday please.

Morpurgos – The Rainbow Machine, end of the book for Friday please.

Robins – Fossils, end of the book for Friday please.

This week we’ll be looking at reliability of sources and how we determine how credible various sources of information are. Feel free to discuss how reliable you think these non-ficiton books are and why you think this is the case!


Maths homework can be found on Education City under the homework tab this week. Mental maths grids will be issued next week.


Thank you for all the returned permission slips and payments on ParentPay! Parent helpers will be contacted later this week.

I hope you all have a lovely  week.


Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely February weekend! I loved hearing what some of you have been up to over this time.

Apologies for the break in homework. Given standardised tests last week and a two day week this week we decided to have a couple of homework free weeks! Homework will resume as normal from Monday.

Please find attached the letter which was issued today about our exciting trip to Vikingar on the 26th February! Please return the permission slip as soon as possible.

P5 Vikingar February 2020

Also, please remember that we have our Rag Bag collection on Monday 17th! Bags of old clothes can be brought in any time between now and then. The more we recycle, the more money we raise!

I hope you all have a lovely week!

Mrs Macintyre

Rag Bag Collection

Rag Bag Collection

The ‘Rag Bag’ recycling scheme has been developed to provide regular fundraising for schools in Scotland.

The scheme increases awareness about textile recycling and by increasing recycling rates we can help the environment by ensuring less material goes to landfill.

Help raise funds for the school with textile recycling.

Items we collect

  • Wearable clothing
  • Paired shoes
  • Handbags
  • Belts

Please return bags to school by Monday 17th February. You can bring in bags before this date.

Thank you for your support!

Mrs Ali, Mrs Macintyre

Eco Committee