Homework WB 04.03.19


This week’s homework is as follows:


Riding The Waves – Whole book by Friday

Emergency 999 – Whole book by Friday

Land of the Dinosaurs – Whole book by Friday

How a Book is Made – Whole book by Friday


New Spelling words will be issued on Wednesday.

Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Wednesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.


This week’s maths homework is available on our Google Classroom. Your child can access their google classroom via their Glow login and click on the Google Classroom panel. If you are having trouble finding the work, it *should* be available here



Have  a great week without me!!


Mr C



Homework WB 25.02.19


This week’s homework is as follows:


Kipper and the Giant – whole book for Friday

Fair’s Fair – whole book for Friday

Trouble in the Rockies – whole book for Friday

Making the Past into Presents – whole book for Friday


New words for all groups will be given out on Wednesday 27th February. Please do two activities from the spelling grid using the words. You can show evidence for the activities in any way you wish. A parental signature is enough to show the work has been completed.


Links to maths work on the Google Classroom to follow. We will have access to Education City soon.

This week’s area’s of maths for vonsideracons are:

Circles : Length, including word problems involving all four operations.

Triangles: Directions, compass points and movement.

Squares: Multiplication and the link with division. Multiplication as repeated additon. Division as repeated subtraction.

Rectangles: Doubling and Halving – including doubling multiples of 5 and halving multiples of 10.

More to follow.

Please ensure your child submits their work if it is done on the Google Classroom. Please sign your child’s homework jotter if it is done on there.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr C

Homework WB 18.02.19



The reading for this week should be completed for Friday.

The Search for Tutankhamen’s Tomb – whole book

Dinosaur Whodunnit? – Whole book

Hamster Rampage – Whole book (2 chapters per night, if possible)

In The Garden – Whole book


This week’s maths homework is available on our Google Classroom. Your child can access their google classroom via their Glow login and click on the Google Classroom panel. If you are having trouble finding the work, it *should* be available here


New spelling words will be issued on Wednesday 20th February. Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter. Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Tuesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.



Hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.

Homework for this week is as follows:


Refugees – finish book

Cat Talk – finish book

The Witches Dog and the Crystal Ball – finish book

Old Things – finish book.



At the time of posting, technical problems are preventing access to Education City to set our homework tasks. Please check back later, or your child can access their favourite games for 10 mins this evening, if there are no specific tasks set.



Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Tuesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.

Thank you so much for your support for the children’s personal research project – the finished products have been interesting and entertaining. I will post a little movie showcasing the children’s work, once they have all had an opportunity to present it to the class.


Just a reminder – No swimming tomorrow.

Mr C

Homework W/B 28.01.19

Good afternoon

The main focus for homework this week should be the completion of your exPLORE research topic. There are 4 working evenings left! Remember, the method of showing your research can be anything – as long as it shows what your child found out. Some suggestions are here if you wish.

In addition to completing the “Representing” part of the work, your child should read the following for Friday:

Ollie – Whole book

When I Forgot – Whole book

Rally Challenge – Whole Book

Your Bones – Whole book

Spelling words will be given out on Wednesday. The spelling will be from Wednesday to the following Tuesday.

Thank you for your support last week for our assembly and for your valuable jotter feedback.

Mr C

Homework W/B 21.01.19



The main focus for homework this week should be the continuation of your exPLORE research topic. There are 9 working evenings left!

Additionally, your child should read the following for Friday:

The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – Ch6 to the end

Creepy Crawlies – Whole book

Escape Artists – Whole Book

Cat Talk – Whole book

Spelling words will be given out on Wednesday. The spelling will be from Wednesday to the following Tuesday.

If you want to send any photos of your child’s achievements, please could you do so by Tuesday at the latest.

Hope to see you on Wednesday morning for our assembly.

Mr C

Assembly Help


Your child’s words for the assembly should be in their bag this evening. Please help them practise and memorise their lines.

A few of the children have words of their own choice to add to their script:

  • Book recommendations from Angus, Leon and Charlie (a simple title, author and reason why is plenty)
  • A favourite joke from Angus!


Also, if you have sent any of your child’s achievements from outside school this year – thank you. We will include these in the assembly.

If you have any pictures of your child’s wider achievements that you would like to be included during the assembly, please send them to the school email address, and they will be forwarded on to me.


Mr C

Homework W/B 14.01.18



Our homework for the next three weeks will consist of an open exPLORE topic (to be completed by 01.02.19) and reading work. Spelling homework will be issued on Wednesday for the following Wednesday.


The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – Chapter 3, 4 and 5

Get Me Out of Here! – Whole Book

The Scary Day – Whole Book

What Makes You Laugh? – Whole Book



Over the year P3 – P7 all pupils will be asked to complete a research project. This work could be related to any curricular area or interest and should be completed over a three week period.

ExPLORE is an information literacy model that will help your child become more skilled at knowing when and why you need information, how to evaluate, use and communication it to others.

Click the images below to enlarge

Useful tips for research

  • They should understand what information needs to be collected.
  • Help them to stay focused on what they have chosen to research.
  • Encourage them to use a number of different resources e.g. internet, books and people.
  • Remind them that when using printed information they should either take notes or use a highlighter to highlight the important information, remembering to look for keywords
  • Research is not information printed straight off the internet.
  • Pupils should be encouraged to use their own words.
  • Please ask for help if you are unsure.
  • Complete the task on time. Do not leave it to the last minute.
  • Read through their work and check it.
  • Research work can take the form of a written report, but is usually best presented as a spoken report to the class. Visuals are a good idea to have as prompts and can be in the form of text, objects, photographs or a combination of all in a presentation or slide show. As long as the information is presented in a clear way, the method of presentation can be as creative as you like.

exPLORE topics should be completed by Friday 1st February 2019.

Any pictures, materials or usb sticks containing presentations should be handed in then. If the pupils wish to use their Google Drive to store presentations, they can be accessed from home in the usual way.

Homework WB 07.01.19

Happy New Year!!

I hope you had a good break over the holidays.

Homework will follow a slightly different pattern this term:


The Ballerina of Doom – Whole book by Friday, please.

The Knife – Whole book by Friday, please.

A Vet’s Day – Whole book by Friday, please.

Rachel’s Mysterious Drawings – Whole book by Friday, please.



This week’s spelling homework (and subsequent weeks) will be issued on a Wednesday. This means all groups will receive their new spelling words at the same time. This week’s words will be made up with revision words from our assessment. Please complete 2 tasks from the active spelling grid. A new copy can be found here if you need one.


Mental Maths

Education City passwords and usernames will be given out on Wednesday (09.01.19). Your child will be assigned one or two tasks to complete by the following Wednesday.



Next week will be the start of our exPLORE home research topic. Once we have jointly decided on our learning for this term, we will co-create a theme for our personal research. More to follow…