Homework W/C 09.09.19

Please find homework listed below.

Maths – 

Please complete the mental maths grid for Friday.

Spelling – 

Please find new spelling rules in spelling jotters. Nessy groups will get their new rule on Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday – Words 1 – 5 x 3

Tuesday – Words 6 – 10 x 3

Wednesday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Thursday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Reading – 

How do Lobsters Stay Young? – End of the book for Friday please.

Big Cats – End of the book for Friday please.

Incredible Insects – End of the book for Friday please.

Fossils – End of the book for Friday please.

A few books were forgotten today so see me first thing in the morning if yours is not in your school bag.

This week our skills focus is identifying, answering and asking a range of questions. Today we spoke about literal questions, so try and come up with some while you are reading. Please find all other active reading strategies in homework diaries: ‘Active Reading Strategies’ mat. Remember to keep working on other skills we’ve covered like predicting and visualising.

P.E. – 

Please remember P.E. kit for Monday and Thursday.

I hope you all have a great week!

Mrs Macintyre

Homework W/C 02.09.19

Maths – 

Some activities have been added to the homework tab on Education City. Please complete these for Friday. Next week will be a mental maths grid.

Spelling – 

Please find new spelling rules in spelling jotters. Nessy groups will start on Wednesday and Thursday this week and will run on a weekly basis.

Monday – Words 1 – 5 x 3

Tuesday – Words 6 – 10 x 3

Wednesday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Thursday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

The above timetable of work is only a suggestion and learners have complete autonomy to organise their time as they wish as long as all the words have been copied out x 3 and two active spelling strategies have been used to practice all 10 words.

Reading – 

Reading homework will be set tomorrow, following which the pages to read will be updated.

Silly Stories – End of the book

The Legend of Spud Murphy – End of the book

12th Floor Kids – End of the book

Lost in the jungle – End of the book

Last week and this week we have been focusing on the skills of prediction and visualising. Please find prompts for practicing this skill in homework diaries ‘Active Reading Strategies’ mat.

I.C.T – 

It has been such a pleasure to see all the Profiles being updated and wonderful to read about your achievements! By the end of the week we would like the each profile’s homepage to have an informational ‘all about me section’ and an ‘achievement’ sections with some pictures, or descriptions. We have discussed this in class and have committed some time to this, so we should all have some ideas about what to put in these sections.  I have visited a couple of profiles and left some notes, so check and see if yours is one of them!

P.E. – 

P.E. days are Mondays (single block) and Thursday (double block). Sorry for the delay in getting this information to you! P.E. kit is dark shorts and a white/plain t-shirt with comfortable sports shoes.

Other News – 

This week we have our open afternoon on Thursday! An email has been sent with details but please contact either myself or the office if you have any questions. Children will decide what skills and learning experiences they wish to share with you on this afternoon. I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

Welcome Back! And…. homework!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had an excellent and restful summer and that you are looking forward to all that primary 5 has to offer! We’ve already had a very busy first week: negotiating our class charter; deciding and planning our class topic (Extinct and endangered animals – stay tuned for some exciting updates); setting up our class profiles and just generally getting to know each other!

In the interest of getting right back into the swing of things, please find homework listed below.

Maths – 

For the next two weeks there will be a selection of activities on Education City under the ‘homework’ tab. If you have any problems accessing this, please let me know. After two weeks we will alternate between online maths homework such as Education City, SumDog and Google Classrooms, and our mental maths grids.

Spelling – 

New spelling rules will be issued every Monday with homework to be collected in on Friday. Orchard Bees, Honey Bees and Bumble Bees all received their new spelling rule yesterday. Nessy groups will receive their first new spelling rule next week and this will be set by Mrs Ali. An active spelling grid with lots of suggestions for activities has been glued into homework jotters. Can I ask that homework jotters are covered please.

Monday – Words 1 – 5 x 3

Tuesday – Words 6 – 10 x 3

Wednesday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Thursday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

The above timetable of work is only a suggestion and learners have complete autonomy to organise their time as they wish as long as all the words have been copied out x 3 and two active spelling strategies have been used to practice all 10 words.

Reading – 

Reading homework will be set tomorrow, following which the pages to read will be updated.

Silly Stories –

The Legend of Spud Murphy –

12th Floor Kids –

The Red Planet –

I.C.T – 

This year we will be creating and using our own online ‘Profiles’ using Google Sites to share and document our learning. All children have already set up their own Profile in class which can be accessed through Glow > Google Drive > Google Sites. On the homepage there is an ‘All about me’ section which I would like you to spend the next two weeks updating. There is also a section for ‘Achievements’. Please add any personal achievements, whether that’s in or out of school, to this section. It can be in the form of photographs, video clips,  or a small blurb. Please also spend time customising the theme, colours, and fonts… this is your Profile so design it as you wish!

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or queries please let me know. I hope you all have a fantastic week!

Homework W/B 17.06.19


Reading homework this week…

The Storm – Whole book by Friday

Nutty as a Noodle – Whole book by Friday

Strawberries at School – Whole book by Friday

Greenfingers – Whole book by Friday


The East Renfrewshire Sumdog Competition has been running over the weekend. It runs until the 20th of June and can be accessed at home. The children will have a little bit of time to compete in class but it would help if they could do a little at home too!


Mr C

Healthy Snack Challenge

As you may already be aware, during Health Week Scotland on 10th-14th June we are encouraging pupils to bring fruit or veg to school at break time as a healthy snack (this is not in addition to a sweet or crisps this should be the only snack they have).

Children will get 1 house point for each day they do this.  If by the end of the week have brought a piece of fruit or veg on 5 consecutive days they will receive a bonus 5 house points.

This week takes place right before the final count of house points and could have a big impact on which House triumphs this year and has the opportunity to attend the end of year trip!  Extra fruit and veg snacks will be available for purchase in the canteen during this week and points can be earned this way too!

Braidbar Pupil Council

Homework WB 10.06.19


Homework this week is as follows:



Ship in Trouble – Whole book by Friday, please.

Pet Rescue – Whole book by Friday, please.

Ottoline and the Yellow Cat  – Finish the book by Friday, please.

Jane Blonde  – Finish the book by Friday, please.



Mr C


Raffle Prize Donations Needed

Dear Parent/Carer,

The pupils in P5, 6 and 7 are preparing for the much anticipated end of year school show. This year, we have chosen “High School Musical” and look forward to the singing, dancing and entertainment! The dates are Tuesday 11th (1.45pm) and Wednesday 12th June (7pm).

We are organising a raffle for the two dates and any money raised will benefit your child in the school. Mrs Ali is looking for any donations of vouchers, gifts or services for the raffle. Anything received will be very much appreciated. If you would like to participate in this, please contact the office or send your donation into school. We appreciate your support in this venture. Thank you!

Mr C

Homework WB 27.05.19


Literacy homework this week is as follows…


Please finish your child’s book this week.

Fair’s Fair

Big Cats

Miss Dippy’s Amazing Inventions




New spelling words were issued today.

Miss Innes’ group will have their task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Wednesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on technology, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be sufficient to show your child has completed work. If your child wants to save it on their Google Drive and share it with me, that would be a great way to show their work.

Have a great week

Mr C