All posts by Miss Paterson

Homework w.b. 07.05.18

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.

This week you are asked to prepare something which you can share with your friends. You will be asked to present what you have found out IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You can make a poster, leaflet, Powerpoint, model… which we will share in class at the end of this week. Remember, you can decide how many of our climate zones you wish to talk about.

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

M – W: Education City or Sumdog

• Carlota, a native Spanish speaker, is visiting us on Tuesday. Please ask us about what we learned.
• Please return Writing, Social Studies and Sciences work if you have not already done so.
• Please return photo requests and payment by Wednesday.
• Many of the children have been coming to class without a pencil in the past few weeks. Please ensure your child has two sharp pencils and a rubber in their pencil case. Thank you.


Homework w.b. 30.04.18

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.

This week your homework is to look online or visit the library to find facts about climate zones. You can choose just one of our climate zones (Tropical, Desert, Polar or Temperate) or more than one. Make simple notes using a mind map or list with bullet points in your jotter. Headings may include temperature, precipitation, plants, animals, homes, clothes, food…
Next week you are asked to present what you have found IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You can make a poster, leaflet, Powerpoint, model… which we will share in class at the end of the week.

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

M and W: Mental maths sheet
T and Thu: Education City or Sumdog

• Giffnock Library visit on Tuesday 1st May from 9:10-10:40am. Please inform me if you are able to come along and help us get to and from the Library safely and join in with our learning.

  •  Writing, Social Studies and Sciences work going home on Friday 4th May.
    • School closed on Monday 7th May
  • Please bring in recycling items on Tues or Wed that we may be able to use to build homes for different climate zones on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Many of the children have been coming to class without a pencil in the past few weeks. Please ensure your child has two sharp pencils and a rubber in their pencil case. Thank you.

Homework w.b. 23.04.18

23.04.18    Please see below for this week’s homework.

M: Read first third of text.
T: Read second third of text.
W: Read to end of text.
Th: Free choice reading

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

M and W: Mental maths sheet
T and Thu: Education City or Sumdog

  • We are undertaking learning in a World Explorer mini topic, learning about features of different climate zones. Ask us about tropical, desert, polar and temperate climates.
  • School photographer in on Wednesday 25th April.
  • This week we’ll be writing a recipe for a story. Talk about which ingredients you think a good story needs.
  • When you are ready to return your Giffnock Library book, please bring it into school and we will take them all back together.
  • Giffnock Library visit on Tuesday 1st May from 9:10-10:40am. Please inform me if you are able to come along and help us get to and from the Library safely and join in with our learning.
  • Writing, Social Studies and Sciences work going home on Friday 4th May.

A great start to Term 4!

We have enjoyed catching up with each other this week and were happy to find out that despite the weather conditions we were all active during the holidays.

Our first week back has been successful with fantastic number work and literacy too, especially in writing where we created tricky rhyming poems.

Even better, we have shown we are trying to follow our class charter and respect ourselves and others. This led to the least Golden Time lost all year! This made us feel good and we decided we want to keep helping each other to meet these high standards for the rest of the term.


Homework w.b. 16.04.18

Welcome back! It has been lovely to hear that you seem to have enjoyed rest and adventure in equal measure during the holidays.

This week we have had a go at recording our homework by ourselves in our diaries. The activities are what you would expect:

SP = choose an active spelling activity

R = read given pages

MM = mental maths. This week just do some Education City, Sumdog or other online games previously shared on the blog.


Homework w.b. 26.03.18

Please see below for this week’s homework, diary dates and some ideas for the holidays.

Spelling and Mental Maths

If you wish you may spend a little time each day on Sumdog, Education City or Hit the Button as there is no formal homework this week.

Play The Daily 10:    An adult can help you find your level. You will need something to write your answers on.

Cylinders (and Pyramids) can recite the 2x 3x (and 4x, 5x and 10x) tables too.


No formal homework this week so you may wish to…

  • swap your newspaper for a different copy of FirstNews
  • read/listen to your book from Giffnock Library
  • update your Reading Passport
  • read a book about spring or Easter:
  • read and make a springtime recipe:
  • read and make a spring art project:
  • See how far your book can travel during the holidays. Where will your reading take you? Perhaps you could take some photos of you reading in new places to share after the holidays.


Inspired by visits from Bethany’s and Zoe’s mums, we would like you to draw and name your own amazing, wonderful, crazy scientist on the piece of A5 paper provided. You can hand this in after the holidays.

You might want to try some experiments with everyday items. Look here:

Social Studies

You might want to learn even more about Ancient Egypt here:

Read more about the Chinese Zodiac here:



  • Spring Party on Wednesday 28th, 6:30-7:30pm. £2 entry and £1 for tuck shop if desired.
  • You are still welcome to join us on our visit to Giffnock Library this Tuesday morning, 9:15 – 10:40am
  • School closes at 2:30pm this Thursday and remains closed until Monday 16th April. Thank you for your continued support this term and enjoy the holidays!



Active and achieving in Primary 3!

Parents’ evenings this week as well as the upcoming holidays have encouraged us to reflect on our recent learning and achievements. Here are some of our highlights…

  • We used what we already knew and worked really well as a team to build a spaghetti and jelly baby tower! It feels good to be recognised as a High Flyer at the assembly. 
  • Our writing is getting better and we know what we need to include for character, setting and structure.
  • I’m proud that I can write longer stories with paragraphs to organise my ideas.
  • In maths we’re getting faster and better at our 2x and 3x tables.
  • I can do tricky written calculations with + – x and /, even when the numbers and operation are hidden in a word problem.
  • I know more about the skeleton and digestive system and understand how my body works a bit better now.
  • In P.E. we’ve improved our listening and our athletics skills. I’ looking forward to sports day now!
  • Lots of us are listening to and reading books more in our spare time because we’ve been doing the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and going to Giffnock Library.
  • I won ‘Simon says..’ in French because I listened carefully and I know lots of words for body parts in French now.
  • We do good learning outside the classroom too like Science in the Secret Garden and Rouken Glen or Music with Mrs Carey.

Homework w.b. 19.03.18

19.03.18 Please see below for this week’s homework.

M: Free choice reading – First News newspaper provided this week, Giffnock Library book, Education City games…
T: Read first third of text.
W: Read second third of text.
Th: Read to end of text

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

M – Thu: Sumdog Competition Week

– We will complete our Tesco Bank Art Competition submissions this week. If you wish to use any materials from home in your final image then please bring them in. I will also provide a range of materials in class. Remember – the theme is Cats!

– When you are ready to return your Giffnock Library book, please bring it into school and we will take them all back together.

Parents’ evenings Wednesday and Thursday this week

-As planned for World Book Day, bring in an item linked to your favourite book on Wednesday 21st and we’ll try to guess the book! Book swap news to follow…

Giffnock Library visit on Tuesday 27th from 9:20-10:40am. Please inform me if you are able to come along and help us get to and from the Library safely.

– Homework for w.b. 26th March will be lighter including a fun science task!


British Science Week

This week we spent time discussing how science is all around us and gave lots of examples of scientific discoveries that have made our lives better.

At the end of the week we were lucky to have two scientists come to visit us and enhance our learning. Bethany’s mum answered lots of questions about her work and we were amazed to find out all the different helpful things that lasers can do.

Zoe’s mum is a different kind of scientist and she guided us on an exploration of the Secret Garden. We used descriptive language to talk about similarities and differences and we tried to use field guides to identify some of the trees and other plants.