Homework WB 18.02.19



The reading for this week should be completed for Friday.

The Search for Tutankhamen’s Tomb – whole book

Dinosaur Whodunnit? – Whole book

Hamster Rampage – Whole book (2 chapters per night, if possible)

In The Garden – Whole book


This week’s maths homework is available on our Google Classroom. Your child can access their google classroom via their Glow login and click on the Google Classroom panel. If you are having trouble finding the work, it *should* be available here


New spelling words will be issued on Wednesday 20th February. Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter. Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Tuesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.