

Hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.

Homework for this week is as follows:


Refugees – finish book

Cat Talk – finish book

The Witches Dog and the Crystal Ball – finish book

Old Things – finish book.



At the time of posting, technical problems are preventing access to Education City to set our homework tasks. Please check back later, or your child can access their favourite games for 10 mins this evening, if there are no specific tasks set.



Miss Innes’ group have a task in their jotter.

Other groups use this week’s sounds to complete 2 tasks from the homework grid for next Tuesday. If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

You can complete the work on blank paper, in the jotter or record the activity in another way. Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.

Thank you so much for your support for the children’s personal research project – the finished products have been interesting and entertaining. I will post a little movie showcasing the children’s work, once they have all had an opportunity to present it to the class.


Just a reminder – No swimming tomorrow.

Mr C