Homework w.b. 21st May 2018

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.

Homework w.b. 21.05.18


Rockets: M: Ch 1     T: Ch  2                W: Ch 3

Astronauts, Shooting Stars, Flying Saucers

M: Read first third of book

T: Read next third of book

W: Read to the end



M and W: Mental maths sheet             T and Thu: Education City or Sumdog



M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.

T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.


Remember school is closed from Friday 25th May – Tues 29th May incl.

Movie night this Tuesday 22nd May.

Please come to our P3-P5 Pizza, Pakora and Poetry afternoon on 21st June.                   See letter for details.