Homework w.b. 19.03.18

19.03.18 Please see below for this week’s homework.

M: Free choice reading – First News newspaper provided this week, Giffnock Library book, Education City games…
T: Read first third of text.
W: Read second third of text.
Th: Read to end of text

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

M – Thu: Sumdog Competition Week

– We will complete our Tesco Bank Art Competition submissions this week. If you wish to use any materials from home in your final image then please bring them in. I will also provide a range of materials in class. Remember – the theme is Cats!

– When you are ready to return your Giffnock Library book, please bring it into school and we will take them all back together.

Parents’ evenings Wednesday and Thursday this week

-As planned for World Book Day, bring in an item linked to your favourite book on Wednesday 21st and we’ll try to guess the book! Book swap news to follow…

Giffnock Library visit on Tuesday 27th from 9:20-10:40am. Please inform me if you are able to come along and help us get to and from the Library safely.

– Homework for w.b. 26th March will be lighter including a fun science task!