Home Learning!

Good Morning!

Firstly, I want to take this opportunity to send well wishes and good health to all. In light of recent and unprecedented news, our working circumstances have changed greatly and I appreciate your patience and support while we all adjust to this new way of working and learning. I will hugely miss getting to see my primary 5’s everyday and am so proud of  the maturity,  resilience and optimism which they displayed at the end of last week. I know that their immense creativity and enthusiastic hard work will ensure their happiness and progression with learning from home.

From now on and for the foreseeable future, daily learning experiences will be posted on our Blog for 9am. These tasks may be an explanation, photograph, video or activity. For some, you will be directed to a Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Education City or SumDog. Jotters have been provided – one Numeracy and Maths, one Literacy and English and one IDL – where work can be recorded when indicated. On other occasions work will be saved on to the Google Classroom or Team, and sometimes the learning will be active with no need for writing or typing. In this instance you are more than welcome to photograph and share this with me through glow email or put them on your profile but this in not obligatory.

We appreciate that this is a very uncertain and busy time for our Braidbar families and so please only do what is right for you and your family.

Please find todays home learning experiences in the word document below.

Home Learning Experiences

Sending well wishes and positivity!

Mrs Macintyre