Homework WB 12.11.18


Hope your weekend was restful and fun.


Reading – to be completed by this Friday

Keep Out – Whole Book

Scarecrows – Whole Book

Care of Henry – Chapter 1 – 3

Ice Cream! – Whole Book



Do two tasks from your active spelling grid. You can do it on blank paper or record the activity in another way – good examples will go on the children’s wall.  Your signature will be enough to show your child has completed work.

If you need a new copy of the spelling grid you can download it here.

Miss Innes’ group will get their new words on Wednesday. Please complete the task Miss Innes has set before Wednesday.


Mental Maths

This week, the children have been set ten mental maths questions each night. These are based on their previous and current mental strategies that they have been using. Please say the calculation out loud and allow them plenty thinking time. Then note down their answer. And miscalculations can be discussed. Perhaps ask “Tell me how you did that one?” or “How did you come to that answer?”

Your child may have taken a reading passport home in error. You can keep hold of it until next week if you wish, or send it back in.


Hope you all have a great week.

Mr C