Homework w.b. 28.05.18


Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.


Read aloud and enjoy the poems you have been given. Practise one which you could read with expression in class on Friday.


Education City or Sumdog. EastRen Sumdog competition begins 1st June.


This week practise writing any tricky names of people who are important to you – friends and family. You could also think of places you like to visit and find out how to spell them. Choose no more than 10 words and REMEMBER CAPITAL LETTERS!


SSPCA visit this Wednesday. Please ask us what we learned.


Please come to our P3-P5 Pizza, Pakora and Poetry afternoon on 21st June.  See letter for details and please note attendance by return.


Are you growing and looking after any plants at home? You could send a photo to share in class: schoolmail@braidbar.e-renfrew.sch.uk


When you eat dinner think about the food on your plate. Did it come from a plant? If so, which part? Is it still in its natural state or did it go through a process before you could eat it? (Like cocoa beans becoming chocolate)