Homework w.b. 30.04.18

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.

This week your homework is to look online or visit the library to find facts about climate zones. You can choose just one of our climate zones (Tropical, Desert, Polar or Temperate) or more than one. Make simple notes using a mind map or list with bullet points in your jotter. Headings may include temperature, precipitation, plants, animals, homes, clothes, food…
Next week you are asked to present what you have found IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You can make a poster, leaflet, Powerpoint, model… which we will share in class at the end of the week.

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

M and W: Mental maths sheet
T and Thu: Education City or Sumdog

• Giffnock Library visit on Tuesday 1st May from 9:10-10:40am. Please inform me if you are able to come along and help us get to and from the Library safely and join in with our learning.

  •  Writing, Social Studies and Sciences work going home on Friday 4th May.
    • School closed on Monday 7th May
  • Please bring in recycling items on Tues or Wed that we may be able to use to build homes for different climate zones on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Many of the children have been coming to class without a pencil in the past few weeks. Please ensure your child has two sharp pencils and a rubber in their pencil case. Thank you.