Active and achieving in Primary 3!

Parents’ evenings this week as well as the upcoming holidays have encouraged us to reflect on our recent learning and achievements. Here are some of our highlights…

  • We used what we already knew and worked really well as a team to build a spaghetti and jelly baby tower! It feels good to be recognised as a High Flyer at the assembly. 
  • Our writing is getting better and we know what we need to include for character, setting and structure.
  • I’m proud that I can write longer stories with paragraphs to organise my ideas.
  • In maths we’re getting faster and better at our 2x and 3x tables.
  • I can do tricky written calculations with + – x and /, even when the numbers and operation are hidden in a word problem.
  • I know more about the skeleton and digestive system and understand how my body works a bit better now.
  • In P.E. we’ve improved our listening and our athletics skills. I’ looking forward to sports day now!
  • Lots of us are listening to and reading books more in our spare time because we’ve been doing the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and going to Giffnock Library.
  • I won ‘Simon says..’ in French because I listened carefully and I know lots of words for body parts in French now.
  • We do good learning outside the classroom too like Science in the Secret Garden and Rouken Glen or Music with Mrs Carey.