Category Archives: – Achievement

Outdoor Learning at Rouken Glen

Primary Two have been so lucky this term to have the opportunity to visit Rouken Glen. We have been working with Young Enterprise at their centre in the park.  We enjoyed creating bug hotels using leaves and net bags, for any little wrigglers in our garden to have a cosy place to go!

We  planted our own cress seeds and decorated the recycled pots to make them look attractive.

We had a very healthy and tasty lunch of pea and broccoli soup with crusty bread. We also had the chance to travel in the Young Enterprise minibus which was super!

Digital Learning – Creating Animations

We have been learning how to create animations using ‘I Can Animate’ software.

We began by learning about setting, then created fantastic drawings of a jungle setting. We also wrote some excellent Jungle Explorer stories based on our setting! They were exciting to read with lots of action.

Next, we used our drawings as a background for our animations. Our friends in Primary Three shared their learning with us and taught us how to create an animation using ‘I Can Animate’ software. We have started to create our animations and they are coming along brilliantly. We will share more of our  learning about animation as we go along.


Place Value Voyagers!

In Maths, we have been learning about place value. Understanding place value means that we know what each digit in a number is worth. For example, the number 23 is made up of 2 tens and 3 units. We can add these together to give us our number of 23.

To deepen our understanding, we worked together to put cotton buds into bundles of ten, securing them with an elastic band. Step 1 was complete!

Then, we were able to use the bundles of buds to help us count in tens. We used loose cotton buds as the units. We worked with a partner to record the tens in one column, and the units in another. Success!

Our next step was to use place value number cards to help us create 2 digit numbers. 

We worked so hard and we are so proud of all that we have achieved! We are Maths stars in Primary 2. Keep up the hard work!

Amazing Africa

After our recent visit from the Singing Children of Africa, we had so many questions about Africa! Our visitors from the choir answered some of them…but many were still to be discovered! So, we have decided to see if we can find the answers to the rest. We are going to embark on an exploration of amazing Africa this term – we can’t wait to delve deeper and begin to answer our questions.

This week, we have enjoyed listening to traditional African folktales about Anansi the Spider. Anansi is a wise spider and we loved hearing the story about how he gathered lots of wisdom in a jar, then spread it around the world to help others!

After the story, we used our shape knowledge and cutting skills to create our very own Anansi spiders. Have a look at our finished work and our use of bright colour and shape – don’t they look fabulous?


Welcome to Term 2!

What a fantastic week! Primary 2 have had a super start to the new term with positive attitudes all round. We have had lots of enjoyable experiences this week, and we are so excited for the many events to come over the course of this term – so stay tuned!

We spent some time reflecting on our experiences at the end of term one and added these to our ‘What Stuck With You?’ wall.

A question we ask ourselves in Primary 2 is ‘what inspired you today?’

Why not have a think about our question – what would your answer be?