Place Value Voyagers!

In Maths, we have been learning about place value. Understanding place value means that we know what each digit in a number is worth. For example, the number 23 is made up of 2 tens and 3 units. We can add these together to give us our number of 23.

To deepen our understanding, we worked together to put cotton buds into bundles of ten, securing them with an elastic band. Step 1 was complete!

Then, we were able to use the bundles of buds to help us count in tens. We used loose cotton buds as the units. We worked with a partner to record the tens in one column, and the units in another. Success!

Our next step was to use place value number cards to help us create 2 digit numbers. 

We worked so hard and we are so proud of all that we have achieved! We are Maths stars in Primary 2. Keep up the hard work!

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