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Christmas Celebrations

Primary 6 have had a very festive week.

Yesterday we enjoyed The Winter Wonderland event and loved meeting Bruno and Evie the reindeer.

We loved seeing Santa and receiving our gifts. Thank you to everyone who organised this for us.


The fun continued on Friday wIth everyone wearing their Christmas jumpers.

We created a festive jumper for Mrs Gardner which she modelled during assembly.

We then took part in a quiz against the p4s- p7s. The pupil council members were the quiz masters and we were the winners!
We will look forward to a movie afternoon with popcorn next week as our prize,

We also watched the pantomime and finished the day with some Just Dance.

One week to go till the holidays!




World of Work Week.

In primary 4 we are all excited to welcome our guest speakers for World of Work Week next week. In preparation, we have been discussing different jobs that we would like to do and the ones that our family members do. We have also created  posters for a new teaching position at Hillview Primary showing the kinds of qualities we think a good teacher should have.

Maths Week

We took the opportunity of having maths week to do some fun, practical maths activities. Some of the class measured and created waistcoats to their torso length and width which they were able to decorate and wear.

The children practiced fractions with Miss McNulty by dividing up pizzas with different topping for different portions.

On Friday we practiced our STEM problem solving by trying to construct the tallest freestanding tower that wouldn’t blow over. We discussed where we went right, where we went wrong and how we could improve our towers next time.

Ancient Egyptians – Fact or Opinion

Primary 3 have been learning about the ancient civilisation the Egyptians.

We have been using our research skills to find out about people from the past using artefacts, reference texts and websites.

We have discovered a lot of facts about the ancient Egyptians and discussed similaries and differences.

As part of our reading we have been exploring  facts and opinions.

A fact is something which can be proven wheras  an opinion is how you feel and  it can change.

We created  fact and opinion boards to present our learning. We asked our peers   to identify  which statements were facts and which were opinions.


The ancient  Egyptians  made paper from  the paypyrus plant.


The pyramids are the most beautiful buildings.


Autumn colours in French!

Mrs Boag has been teaching us the colours in French. As it is now Autumn we talked about the colours of the Autumn leaves. We learnt the words for the colours in French. We also learnt a song which helps us remember the colours. We wrote the words on leaves and made a tree display. Some of the primary two children can remember the colours and were able to teach Miss Kidson.

Sophie – Rouge is red

Kaci – Orange is orange

Nathan – Marron is brown001

Elise – Vert is green

Esme – Jaune is yellow